针对传统风管密封方式存在拆装不够便捷、密封质量不可靠、不能重复利用、用完后丢弃容易引起环境污染的问题,基于磁吸附理论,设计了两种具有磁吸式的风管密封盖板,方案一中磁铁块的长宽高为20mm×10mm×2mm,方案二则为40mm×20mm×5 mm。为验证磁吸式风管密封盖板设计方法的可行性,在SolidWorks中对风管和密封盖板进行三维建模和虚拟装配。根据风管密封盖板的三维设计方案,利用激光切割机、数控冲床、数控折弯机、焊机等设备,进行风管和密封盖板各零部件的机加工制造,最后进行风管和密封盖板的组装密封测试。结果表明:两种密封盖板虽然都能起到密封效果,但方案二中的密封盖板磁性更强,在与风管进行贴合时的吸附粘合力更大,所以密封效果更好;优化后的风管密封盖板采用磁铁吸附密封方式,其具备拆装方便、密封性强、可重复使用的特点,有效解决了传统风管密封方式存在的弊端,为传统风管密封方式的改进和优化提供了参考依据。
The traditional air duct sealing method has the following problems,such as inconvenient assembly and disassembly,unreliable sealing quality,unreusable,and be prone to environmental pollution after used.Based on the magnetic attraction theory,two kinds of air duct sealing cover plates with magnetic attraction are designed.The dimension of the magnet block is 20 mm×10 mm×2 mm in scheme one,and 40 mm×20 mm×5 mm in scheme two.To verify the feasibility of the design method of air duct sealing cover plate,three-dimensional modeling and virtual assembly of the air duct and sealing cover plate are performed in SolidWorks.According to the three-dimensional design scheme of the air duct sealing cover plates,the air duct and sealing cover plates are manufactured by the laser cutting machine,CNC punching machine,CNC bending machine,welding machine and other equipment,finally,the air duct and sealing cover plates are assembled and tested.The results show that the two sealing cover plates can seal well,but the sealing cover plate in design scheme two has stronger magnetic force,and the attraction force is greater when being fitted with the air duct,the sealing effect is better;the optimized air duct sealing cover plate with the magnet attraction sealing method has the characteristics of convenient assembly and disassembly,excellent sealing performance,and reusable,it effectively solves the above mentioned problems,and provides a reference for the improvement and optimization of the traditional air duct sealing method.
Cao Lifeng(Shenzhen LAUN Clean Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518000,China)
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology
air duct
sealing cover plate
magnet adsorption
virtual assembly