

Law and Legislation being an Expression of Ruling Class Will:A Deep-rooted Distortion of Marx’s Classical Thought
摘要 本文尝试解决一个长期以来流传甚广、迄今为止仍然在普遍流传且一直尚未解决的难题,即对马克思一个重要的经典思想的一个原则性错解。这一错解不仅在理论上造成了对马克思重要经典思想的误解,而且在实践中对我国社会主义法制建设产生了诸多不利的影响。这一误解就是,认为马克思把法和法律看成是统治阶级意志的产物。这一误解会给人一种错觉,以为法制不过是权力和意志的附庸、工具和手段,然而马克思认为,无论说法律是权力的表现(霍布斯),还是说法律是意志的表现(黑格尔),都是错误的,本质上,法律既与权力无关,也与意志无关,而只与生产力和生产的经济条件有关,经济条件与生产力构成一种可以用自然科学精确性指明的平衡关系,而法和法律对生产力和经济条件在此平衡的基础上有一种不平衡关系。一般而言,政制具有权力任性的可能,可能会使这种不平衡走向极端并引发社会革命,而法制则有可能把这种不平衡保持在一个适度的平衡内。用马克思的话说,政制只是法制的一种形式,表现为强力和即时的特点,但法制则具有长效和稳定的特点,我们是社会主义国家,比资本主义国家有更长远的规划,因此也就比资本主义国家更需要建立和健全法制建设。 This paper attempts to solve a problem that has been widely circulated for a long time,is still widely circulated and has not been solved,that is,a principled wrong solution to an important classical thought of Marx.This wrong solution not only causes the misunderstanding of Marx’s important classical thought in theory,but also has many adverse effects on the construction of our socialist legal system in practice.This misconception is that Marx saw the law and legislation as a product of the will of the ruling class.This misunderstanding gives the illusion that the rule of law is merely a vassal,an instrument,and a means of power and will,whereas Marx argued that it was wrong to say that the law was the expression of power(Hobbes’s view)or of will(Hegel’s view),that in essence the law is concerned neither with power nor with will,but only with productive forces and economic conditions of production.Economic conditions and productive forces constitute a balanced relation which can be specified with the precision of natural science,and the law and legislation have an unbalanced relation to productive forces and economic conditions on the basis of this balance.Generally speaking,the political system has the possibility of capricious power,which may make this imbalance extreme and trigger social revolution,while the rule of law has the possibility of keeping this imbalance within a moderate balance.In Marx’s words,the political system was only a form of the legal system,showing the characteristics of strength and immediacy,but the legal system had the characteristics of long-term stability.The PRC is a socialist country,and has a longer plan than capitalist countries,so we need to establish and improve the legal system construction more than capitalist countries.
作者 赵凯荣 ZHAO Kai-rong(School of Philosophy,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,Hubei,China)
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期49-69,共21页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国式现代化道路对人类文明发展的创新性贡献研究”(22ZD013)。
关键词 法律 生产关系 平衡 不平衡 the law legislation productive relations balance unbalance
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