
国家公园建设背景下居民旅游参与意愿的形成机制研究——基于SEM与fsQCA的混合分析 被引量:1

Formation mechanism of residents'willingness to participate in tourism under the background of national park construction:a hybrid method based on SEM and fsQCA
摘要 社区居民是国家公园建设的重要主体,其参与国家公园旅游发展的意愿扮演着反映政策执行效果的角色,关系到国家公园高质量发展的成效.该研究基于效果层次模型构建底层理论逻辑,运用结构方程模型和模糊集定性比较分析相混合的方法,系统探究国家公园建设背景下居民旅游参与意愿的形成机制.结果表明:1)居民与社区和国家公园间的关系质量是其旅游参与意愿的重要影响因素,其中国家公园信任的影响作用最为明显;2)旅游积极影响感知可直接提升也可通过社区满意度和国家公园信任间接提升居民旅游参与意愿;3)旅游消极影响感知不能直接降低居民旅游参与意愿,但通过负向作用于社区满意度和国家公园信任可间接抑制居民旅游参与意愿.此外,通过模糊集定性比较分析进一步得出居民高/低旅游参与意愿的组态路径,其中“社区满意型”和“积极感知+国家公园信任型”居民群体拥有较高水平的旅游参与意愿,而“消极感知型”居民群体则具有较低水平的旅游参与意愿.研究结论可为在国家公园建设过程中精准激励居民群体参与旅游发展提供政策参考,也可为国家公园相关机构制定旅游发展政策提供理论依据. Community residents are important subjects in the process of building national parks,and their willingness to participate in tourism in national parks plays a role in reflecting the effect of policy implementation,which is related to the effectiveness of high-quality development of national parks.This study builds the underlying theoretical logic based on hierarchy of effects models,and uses an integrated method of structural equation modeling and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to systematically explore the formation mechanism of residents willingness to participate in tourism under the background of national park construction.The results show that:1)the quality of residents relationship with the community and the national park have an important influence on their willingness to participate in tourism,of which the influence of national park trust is the most obvious.2)the perception of the positive tourism impacts can either directly or indirectly increase the willingness to participate in tourism through community satisfaction and national park trust.3)the perception of negative tourism impacts can not directly reduce the willingness to participate in tourism,but it can indirectly reduce the willingness by negatively affecting community satisfaction and national park trust.In addition,according to the results of fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis,the configurations of residents high/low willingness to participate in tourism have been further developed,in which the“community satisfaction”and“positive perception+national park trust”resident groups show higher levels of willingness to participate in tourism,while the“negative perception”group reveals a lower level of willingness to participate in tourism.The results of this study provide policy references for accurately motivating residents to participate in tourism development during the construction of national parks,and provide a theoretical basis for national parks-related organizations to formulate tourism development policies.
作者 罗湘阳 龚箭 LUO Xiangyang;GONG Jian(Management of School,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China;Department of Urban and Environmental Science,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China;Wuhan Branch of China Tourism Academy,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期371-381,共11页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AJY024) 国家留学基金委创新型人才国际培养项目([2021]395) 中央民族大学博士研究生自主科研项目(BZKY2023078).
关键词 社区居民 旅游参与意愿 国家公园 结构方程模型 模糊集定性比较分析 community residents willingness to participate in tourism national park structural equation modeling fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis
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