

The confusion between chuan(舟)and chan(禅)initials in Jingdian shiwen(经典释文)and their development in Middle Chinese
摘要 本文梳理了《经典释文》和其他相关音义文献及韵书的注音,揭示了中古船禅两母曾经发生过两次混并,第一次是在东晋南朝时期,其特征是船母并人禅母,同时伴随从邪混并,代表人士为刘昌宗、顾野王,隋唐初的曹宪、公孙罗是此派的余绪。而此间东渡人士及后裔,则保持魏、西晋的船禅两分,代表人物是郭璞、徐渺,陆德明、陆法言,唐初颜师古、玄应则是此派的延续。唐开元初,吕延济等五臣的船禅再次发生混并,以后司马贞、张守节以及慧琳也都如此,但这是一次自主的音变,不是东晋南朝两纽合流的延续。唐代的船禅合流,从邪保持严格对立,直到可洪的时代。唐代船禅合流的原因,一方面是船禅分布不均衡,对立过少;一方面可能是陈灭后南人大规模北归,语言接触频繁,致使本身就已非常脆弱的对立消失,变成一对不再区别意义的自由变体。 Based on Jindian shiwen(经典释文)as well as other related literature and rhyme books,this paper analyzes the confusion between chuan(舟)and chan(禅)initials in Middle Chinese and suggests that it occurred twice in history.The first occurrence took place during the Eastern Jin and Southern dynasties with chuan initials being incorporated into chan initials.The cong(从)and xie(邪)initials were also merged during this period.These can be found in works of Liu Changzong(刘昌宗)and Gu Yewang(顾野王)as well as the later literature of Cao Xian(曹宪)and Gongsun Luo(公孙罗)during the Sui and early Tang dynasties.As for Guo Pu(郭璞),Xu Miao(徐渺),Lu Deming(陆德明),Lu Fayan(陆法言)and the later Yan Shigu(颜师古)and Xuan Ying(玄应),the chuan and chan initials remained distinct.During the early Kaiyuan period of Tang dynasty,the two groups of initials were confused again as attested in the Wuchen zhu wenxuan(五臣注文选).Works of Sima Zhen(司马贞),Zhang Shoujie(张守节)and Hui Lin(慧琳)also present the same merge of the two initial groups.However,this second occurrence was not a continuation of the first but an independent sound change.The cong and xie initials were not combined in the Tang dynasty until the times of Kehong(可洪).Hence,the merge of chuan and chan initials could be caused by either the unbalanced distribution of the two groups with a lack of opposition,or the historical language contact after large-scale immigration of southern inhabitants into the north which would also lead to the loss of opposition between the two groups.
作者 杨军 吕金刚 YANG Jun;LYU Jingang
出处 《中国语文》 北大核心 2024年第3期259-272,382,共15页 Studies of the Chinese Language
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中、日、韩汉语音义文献集成与汉语音义学研究”(19ZDA318)资助。
关键词 船禅分混 语音演变 音变层次 经典释文 中古音 confusion between chuan(船)and chan(禅)initials sound change sound change layer Jindian shiwen(经典释文) MiddleChinese
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