

Changes in the Pattern of Epigraphic Prefaces and Postscripts in the Late Qing Dynasty,Taking the Social Circle of Zhao Zhiqian,Shen Shuyong,Wei Xizeng and Hu Shu as an Example
摘要 趙之謙、沈樹鏞、魏錫曾、胡澍四人同好金石,交往密切。四人在京期間,常共同審定碑帖,其間題跋行爲與金石考據密切相關。魏錫曾、胡澍、趙之謙相繼離京後,彼此間常有書信往來,多涉碑帖互换、代購代售等金石鑒藏事宜,并伴有題跋索請行爲。從題跋索請内容來看,晚清金石學家已經開始留心題跋書法優劣及題跋裝幀形式,題跋行爲已漸具雅玩性質。此外,《校碑圖》的繪製及其與題跋、碑帖合裝成册的現象,亦是晚清金石題跋雅玩風尚的佐證。乾嘉時期,清代金石題跋仍以考據爲主,具有一定的雅玩性質則是晚清題跋活動的顯著特徵。 Zhao Zhiqian(1829-1884),Shen Shuyong(1832-73),We1 Xizeng(1828-1881)and Hu Shu(1832-1873)were all fond of stone and bronze inscriptions and had close contacts with each other.During their stay in Beijing,the four of them often examined ink rubbings together and,during these meetings,they left prefaces and postscripts,which were closely related to epigraphic research.After Wei Xizeng,Hu Shu and Zhao Zhiqian had left Beijing one by one,they often exchanged letters with each other,which,in many cases,touched on matters regarding epigraphy and collecting,such as the exchange of ink rubbings,their purchase and sale on behalf of others and requests for leaving prefaces and postscripts on ink rubbings.Judging from the content of prefaces and postscripts,epigraphers in the late Qing dynasty(1840-1911)had begun to pay attention to the quality of the calligraphy and binding formats of these notes,and the habit of leaving prefaces and postscripts had gradually acquired the features of an elegant and playful practice.In addition,the drawings of the content of books such as Jiaobei Tu(pictures of the examination of steles)and the phenomenon of combining them into volumes with ink rubbings are also evidence of the spread of the refined habit of leaving prefaces and postscripts on ink rubbings during the late Qing dynasty.In the Qian-jia period(1736-1820),epigraphic prefaces and postscripts were mainly based on textual research,whereas a certain sense of entertainment distinguishes the prefaces and postscripts of the late Qing.
作者 楊慶 YANG Qing
出处 《书法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期118-133,196,共17页 Chinese Calligraphy Studies
基金 2021年度國家社科基金藝術學項目“清代書法題跋文獻整理與研究”(項目编號:21CF185)的階段性研究成果 中國博士後科學基金第16批(站中)特别資助(资助編號:2023T160272)。
关键词 趙之謙 沈樹鏞 魏錫曾 胡澍 題跋 Zhao Zhiqian Shen Shuyong Wei Xizeng Hu Shu prefaces and postscripts
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