

Manipulation of Quantum Vacuum Field for Microcavity Photonics(Invited)
摘要 真空电磁模式与辐射源之间的相互耦合决定了辐射源的辐射特性。光学微腔能够对真空光子态密度进行有效调控,进而影响辐射源的辐射过程。微腔内真空电磁场的局域分布可以通过微纳结构来改变,从而调节辐射源与光子的相互作用,为微纳激光、量子光源、片上光学网络等应用领域提供新颖的功能性器件。然而,真空场的静态调控方法存在其固有限制,即一旦完成制备无法更改其性能,因此微腔光子器件迫切需要动态或者准动态的调控技术来实现相应的功能。本文综述了基于材料性质、环境参数和耦合效应的多种调控手段,以期实现对器件真空场分布的后端调控。总结了国内外在半导体微腔真空场调控方面的研究进展,并提出了未来的研究展望。主动后端调控手段有望在集成微纳光学和量子信息处理等领域得到广泛的应用。 The quantum theory of light reveals a counter-intuitive result for the existence of the lowest energy state of quantized light,the quantum vacuum state.According to quantum theory,the vacuum electromagnetic field that fills arbitrary spaces accounts for radiative transitions in condensed matter through carrier-photon interaction.With precisely designed nano-structures,it is possible to manipulate the local distribution of vacuum electromagnetic field in confined spaces.For instance,the Spontaneous Emission(SE)rate can be statically modified by shaping the vacuum field at the position of the nano-emitter when it is inside a micro-/nano-cavity or nearby a plasmonic structure.The typical experimental signature is either an inhibition or acceleration in SE rate.So far vacuum field and hence the SE rate at nano-scale is generally determined by the electromagnetic design.The enhancement or inhibition ratio of the SE rate is usually fixed after the device fabrication,while real-time(post-fabrication)manipulation of vacuum field brings in an additional tunability for Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics(CQED)studies.This paves the way for developing various applications in classical and quantum photonics that are otherwise impossible.Recently,dynamically tunable active devices based on semiconductor materials have been intensively investigated.This kind of dynamic or quasi-dynamic approach leads to a series of new nanophotonic device concepts and may find its applications in quantum light sources and micro-/nano-cavity lasers.This review focuses primarily on controlling radiative processes through post-fabrication manipulation of the vacuum electromagnetic field.Semiconductor optical microcavities,known for their ability to trap photons and prolong their lifetimes within the cavity,play a vital role in enhancing light-matter interactions by precisely manipulating the photon density of states,which are crucial for fundamental radiation processes such as spontaneous and stimulated emission.This review is organized as follows.:the first section outlines the fundamental theory of radiative processes within the framework of CQED,including detailed discussions on light-matter interactions and derivations of the local density of states and the Purcell factor for arbitrary inhomogeneous dielectrics.Efforts to minimize the mode volume of optical microcavity for an enhanced emission are discussed and further illustrated with a review on various micro-and nano-cavities including self-assembled quantum dots in photonic crystal(PhC)cavities.The second section focuses on SE in single or coupled cavities,especially within PhC cavities,summarizing three methods to dynamically manipulate the coupling effects of the emitter and devices to control their radiative processes.These include altering the refractive index distribution of semiconductor materials,dynamically controlling external environmental parameters of the emitters and micro-/nano-cavities,and real-time adjustment of coupling effects in these cavities.The review also details the implementation of cavity-emitter detuning variations in the PhC platform,enabling modulation of the SE rate of a quantum dot within a single photonic crystal cavity,and discusses manipulation of vacuum-field properties in two(or more)coupled cavities using external fields such as light,thermal,electrical,magnetic,and mechanical force fields.The last section discusses methods developed for controlling stimulated emission,emphasizing control methods involving field distribution in spatial pumping,coupled cavities,and complex physical mechanisms like parity-time symmetry.This review concludes with an outlook on future prospects of functional nanophotonic devices.We offer a brief outlook on future directions.The development of micro-/nano-photonic devices may focus on three areas:uncovering more complex physical mechanisms through innovative vacuum field control to enable advanced light-matter interactions;adopting more flexible control methods that allow independent manipulation of devices'temporal and spatial characteristics;and designing practical devices.These advancements are crucial for dynamically controlling device performance and integrating them into photonic chips and quantum information networks.
作者 程晓天 汪玲芳 于家望 丁舒宁 倪之博 王宏斌 周晓青 金潮渊 CHENG Xiaotian;WANG Lingfang;YU Jiawang;DING Shuning;NI Zhibo;WANG Hongbin;ZHOU Xiaoqing;JIN Chaoyuan(College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China;School of Science,Westlake University,Hangzhou 310030,China)
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期57-79,共23页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(Nos.61974131,61574138) 国家重点研究发展计划(No.2021YEB2800500) 浙江省自然科学基金(No.LGJ21F050001) 之江实验室重大研究项目(No.2019MB0AD01)。
关键词 半导体微腔 辐射过程 纳米光子学及光子晶体 半导体激光器件 Microcavities Emission Nanophotonics and photonic crystals Semiconductor lasers
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