The vibrating screen is mainly used in coal preparation plants for screening and dehydration and media removal of selected products.During operation,the vibrating screen should properly handle the dynamic load problem it brings to the foundation.There is still room for improvement in the vibration isolation effect of using ordinary primary and secondary vibration isolation vibrating screens.Anti resonance technology is mainly applied in centrifugal dewatering machines in coal preparation plants.When the anti resonance technology is applied to the vibrating screen,it can achieve the purpose of screening and dewatering and media removal the selected products in the coal preparation plant.It can greatly reduce the required excitation force during operation,the impact load on the foundation,and noise.While achieving the working purpose,it can also save energy and reduce consumption.When improving the design,through analyzing the mechanical model of the anti resonance vibrating screen,and the motion differential equations of the entire system are listed combined with the vibration characteristics of the upper and lower plastids.The modal dynamics calculation analysis without ignoring damping is more complex,and the complex number method can be used to solve the amplitude and frequency in the calculation.Compared to the preliminary design,the optimization design of the entire machine not only involves changes in appearance,but also optimizes the structures and materials of the upper and lower plastids,and refines the design of key components such as springs at different positions and others,so that various indicators of the entire machine can meet the working requirements.
Ma Chao(College of Energy Engineering,Shanxi Institute of Science and Technology,Shanxi Jincheng 048011)
Shandong Coal Science and Technology
anti resonance theory
coal preparation plant
anti resonant vibrating screen
excitation frequency
vibration isolation effect
steady-state amplitude