

Study on the regular of acupoint selection of acupuncture treatment of cervical spondylosis of cervical type during recent 30 years’literature data
摘要 目的基于30年文献数据挖掘针刺治疗颈型颈椎病的选穴规律,为临床针刺治疗颈型颈椎病提供参考依据。方法通过统一的检索式检索知网、万方、维普、生物医学四大中文数据库中针灸治疗颈型颈椎病的近30年文献,合并重复文献,再通过纳入标准和排除标准筛选出有效文献,建立资料数据库,对数据进行频次、关联规则分析以及聚类分析,并构建可视化网络图。结果本研究共纳入809篇有效文献,包含82个腧穴,腧穴总使用频次为2828次,使用频次最高的是颈阿是穴,其次为风池,风池和肩井是腧穴配伍使用频次最高的腧穴组合;整体选穴遵循远近配伍的法则,以头面颈肩部为主,四肢部穴位为辅,特定穴以交会穴及经外奇穴居多;常用经脉以经外奇穴、足少阳胆经、足太阳膀胱经及督脉为主,涵盖腧穴数最多的经脉为足太阳膀胱经。结论针刺治疗本病采取远近配伍的配穴法则,以近部取穴为主,优先阳经取穴,侧重特定穴应用,可为临床针灸治疗本病提供一定的治疗思路。 Objective To provide the reference of acupuncture treatment of cervical spondylosis of cervical type by study on the regular of acupoint selection of acupuncture treatment of cervical spondylosis of cervical type during recent 30 years’literature data.Methods Literature on the treatment of cervical spondylosis by acupuncture and moxibustion in the past 30 years in the four Chinese databases of WANFANG,WEIPU,CNKI and BIOMEDICAL NETWORK were searched through a unified retrieval method,and the repeated literature was combined.The valid literature was screened by inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria,and the data database was established.The frequency,association rule analysis and cluster analysis of the data were conducted,and a visual network diagram was constructed.Results A total of 809 valid literatures were included in this study,including 82 acupoints,and the total frequency of acupoints was 2828 times.The highest frequency of acupoints was A-Shi,followed by Fengchi.Fengchi and Jianjing acupoints were the combination of acupoints with the highest frequency of acupoints.The overall selection of acupoints followed the principle of compatibility of acupoints near and far,with the head,neck and shoulders as the main points,and the limbs as the auxiliary points,specific points Mainly Based on intersection points and Jing Wai Qi Xue.The commonly used meridians were mainly Jing Wai Qi Xue,Gallbladder Meridian,Dumai and Bladder Meridian,the meridians covering the most points were Bladder Meridian.Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of this disease to take the near and far matching point rule,the main point selection is near the part,priority Yang meridian points,focusing on specific points application,can provide certain treatment ideas for clinical acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of this disease.
作者 陈扬 王寒 王琪 陈葛 吉富涛 韦佳佳 卢钰 尹本敬 李鹏飞 李具宝 Chen Yang;Wang Han;Wang Qi;Chen Ge;Ji Futao;Wei Jiajia;Lu Yu;Yin Benjing;Li Pengfei;Li Jubao(Dazhou Vocational College of Chinese Medicine,Dazhou 635000,Sichuan,China;Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),Kunming 650500,Yunan,China;Yunnan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinses Medicine(TCM),Kunming 650021,Yunan,China)
出处 《贵州医药》 CAS 2024年第6期847-852,共6页 Guizhou Medical Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(82360946、81860862) 青年岐黄学者(国中医药人教函[2022]256号) 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才(云科人发[2019]7号) 云南省高层次中医药人才学科带头人(云卫中医发展发[2021]1号)。
关键词 针刺 颈型 颈椎病 腧穴 文献研究 Acupuncture Cervical type Cervical spondylosis Acupoint Review
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