

A Research Report on Housing Demand of Chinese Urban Residents in 2024
摘要 本报告基于清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心、抖音集团房产业务平台旗下幸福里研究院和《中国房地产金融》杂志联合发起的“2024年中国城镇居民购房意愿”大样本问卷调查数据,围绕居民住房现状、购房意愿和购房偏好三方面进行深入分析。调查针对年龄为18~60岁、当前位置处于选定城市城区范围的抖音用户随机发放,共回收有效问卷5085份。结果显示:(1)受访城镇居民居住水平整体良好,住房自有化率较高,对居住现状较为满意,但一线城市居民和租房群体的居住满意度仍有较大提升空间;相当部分受访者已得到各类保障性住房政策支持,对居住满意度提升作用明显;(2)15%的受访者在未来一年内有购房意向,其中高收入群体的购房意愿更强烈;改善住房在各能级城市均已成为首要购房目的,同时一线城市居民与中低收入群体中仍存在较大比例的首次置业需求;增强首付款支付能力与提振经济信心是提升居民购房意愿的关键着力点,同时租购观念发生转变,已成为购房意愿的重要影响因素;(3)周边配套、小区环境和户型是否合理是拟购房者选择住房时考虑的前三大因素;多数拟购房者对新房和二手房没有明确偏好;线下售楼处和中介门店仍是拟购房者获取房源信息的最主要渠道,线上渠道中社交媒体的作用已超越经纪网站。此外,本报告还对潜在首次置业人群和潜在改善性需求人群两类重点人群进行了专题分析。 The questionnaire survey on Urban Residents'Home Purchase Willingness in 2024,conducted collaboratively by Hang Lung Center for Real Estate at Tsinghua University,Xingfuli Research Institute,and China Real Estate Finance magazine,provides a comprehensive analysis of current housing conditions,home purchase willingness,and housing preferences.The survey was randomly distributed to TikTok users aged 18-60 who were currently located in urban areas of the selected cities.A total of 5085valid questionnaires were retrieved.The results suggest that:(1)the urban respondents generally enjoy favorable housing conditions,with relatively high homeownership rates and housing satisfaction,however,there remains considerable room for improvement among the residents of first-tier cities and the renting population;a notable proportion of respondents has benefitted from various type of supportive housing policies,which significantly improves housing satisfaction;(2)15%of the respondents express the intent to purchase a residence in the forthcoming year,and this willingness is more salient among the high-income population;improving housing conditions has become the primary purchase intention in all tier cities,while a substantial demand for first houses persists among residents of first-tier cities and the middle-to lowincome populations;key focal points for boosting the willingness to purchase homes include enhancing the affordability of the down payment and building confidence in the macroeconomic conditions,meanwhile a shift in the mindset regarding leasing versus buying a residence has also become an essential factor influencing the willingness to buy;(3)when selecting ideal housing,prospective buyers prioritize welldeveloped community facilities,a pleasant neighborhood environment,and a rational floor plan;both new and second-hand housing are well-accepted by the majority of prospective buyers;offline sales centers and brokerage offices continue to serve as the main sources for housing information,while social media has surpassed listing websites in the online channels.Additionally,this report performs a detailed thematic analysis of two key populations:potential first-time homebuyers and those seeking housing improvement.
机构地区 不详
出处 《中国房地产金融》 2024年第2期49-61,共13页 China Real Estate Finance
关键词 住房需求 住房现状 购房意愿 购房偏好 问卷调查 housing demand current housing conditions residence purchase willingness housing preferences questionnairesurvey
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