江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想的“三性”即指统一性、实践性和创新性。首先 ,是统一的整体 ,相互联系 ,相互促进 ,是对世界社会主义运动 15 0多年和我们党 80年建党经验的科学总结 ;其次 ,是扎根建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践 ,从现实生活中汲取营养的理论之树 ;其三 ,是改革开放以来的新鲜经验 ,是提出了新时期党的建设总目标 ,丰富和发展了马克思主义建党学说。
The main itdea of 'the Three Representatives'put forward by President Jiangzemin is about three qualities:unity,practicality,originality.They are regarded as a whole,'the Three Representatives'is a scientific summary of world socialism movements lasted for 150 years and the experience of 80 years' party construction,a great practile deep into Chinese Socialism,a theoretical tree absorbing nutriment from reality,a fresh experience since china carried out a policy of reforming and opening to the world. And it's also put forward a general goal of buildwy our party during the new period. And it has enriched and improved Marx's theory on the party construction.
Journal of Southeast Guizhou National Teachers College