

The Role of New Quality Productivity in Digital Rural Construction Based on New Urbanization
摘要 数字乡村建设伴随网络化、信息化和数字化在农业农村经济社会发展中的应用而出现,数字乡村建设不仅可以通过现代数字技术提高农业生产的效率质量,破除城乡数字鸿沟和贫富差距,还可以为新质生产力助力奠定物质基础、提升主体效能和汇聚发展要素,进一步优化城乡间产业结构、科创实力、生活质量的支撑力。实施乡村振兴战略、建设数字中国是现阶段我国全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重大部署和决策,数字技术能够为乡村经济发展注入强大动力,进而成为赋能党和政府各方面工作要求的重要引擎。新型城镇化背景下数字乡村建设有利于优化城乡产业结构,是带动农村经济高质量发展的重要依托;有利于推动区域数字科技协调共建,是促进城乡关系发展共荣的关键动能;有利于夯实乡村全面发展的新基座,在赋能农民农村共同富裕的重要抓手等方面具有现实意义。当前数字乡村建设面临着城乡数字能力发展的鸿沟巨大、数字乡村基层治理效能和城乡融合发展要求不适应、城乡一体化进程中的乡村产业转型困难等方面的问题。在新型城镇化背景下,数字乡村建设需要统筹推动城乡数字资源配置,缩小城乡数字鸿沟;建立灵敏高效的现代化数字乡村治理体系;引财智兴产业,充分发挥“智慧城市”对“数字乡村”的辐射带动作用。 Digital rural development has emerged with the application of networking,informatization,and digitization in the economic and social development of agriculture and rural areas.The construction not only enhancesthe efficiency and quality of agricultural production through modern digital technology andbridges the urban-rural digital divide and income gap,but also provides a material foundation,enhances the efficiency of key actors,and aggregates development factors to support the generation of new productivity.It wouldfurther optimize the industrial structure,scientific and technological strength,and quality of life between urban and rural areas.Implementing the rural revitalization strategy and building a digital China are significant national policies for comprehensively building a socialist modern state.Digital technology can providestrong strengthin rural economicdevelopment,and then become a crucialengine to empowercomprehensive requirements of the Party and the government.In the context of new urbanization,digital rural development facilitates the optimization of urban-rural industrial structures,supporting high-quality rural economic growth.It is conducive to promoting the coordinated regional digital technology co-construction,fostering common prosperity of urban and ruraldevelopment synergy.It is helpful to establish a solid foundation for comprehensive rural development,empowering farmers and rural common prosperity.However,current digital rural development faces challenges such as a significant urban-rural digital capability gap,a mismatch of the efficiency of digital rural grassroots governance and the requirements of urban-rural integration,and the difficulties in rural industrial transformation within the urban-rural integration process.Addressing these challenges under new urbanization involves coordinating the allocation of urban-rural digital resources,narrowing the digital divide,establishing a responsive and efficient modern digital rural governance system,and leveraging“smart city”to promote“digital village”development.
作者 文丰安 黄上珂 WEN Fengan;HUANG Shangke(Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences,Chongqing 400020,China;College of Marxism,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 400033,China)
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期15-26,共12页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“党组织领导的乡村治理体系研究”(20XDJ007),项目负责人:文丰安。
关键词 新型城镇化 数字乡村建设 农业农村现代化 乡村振兴战略 新质生产力 new urbanization digital ruralconstruction agriculture and rural modernization rural revitalization strategy new quality productivity
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