

On the Spatial Evolution of O2O E-commerce in the Yellow River Basin Based on Big Data
摘要 近年来,以网络团购为代表的平台经济蓬勃发展,对城市商业空间产生重大影响,其空间演化规律引起学界广泛关注。利用网络爬虫技术采集我国最大O2O电商平台—美团点评的商家评论大数据,采用GIS分析和数理统计方法对黄河流域O2O电商空间演化过程进行系统分析,得出结论如下:黄河流域O2O电商发展具有明显阶段性,2012~2014年为缓慢发展期,2015~2016年为疯狂扩张期,2017~2019年为稳定增长期,2020年后进入剧烈波动期;黄河流域O2O电商空间发展格局具有明显层级性,郑州和西安居第一层级,青岛、济南、洛阳等6个城市居第二层级,太原、呼和浩特、兰州等17个城市居第三层级,银川、西宁等22个城市居第四层级,其他38个城市居第五层级;黄河流域O2O电商空间扩张具有明显的等级扩散和传染扩散相复合的特征;黄河流域O2O电商发展呈现愈发明显的“极化”现象。研究结论对于推动黄河流域数字技术与实体经济的深度融合、培育壮大新经济、实现高质量发展、具有一定参考价值。 In recent years,the platform economy,represented by online group buying,has developed vigorously,which has a significant impact on urban commercial space,and its spatial evolution law has attracted wide attention from the academic community.Web crawler technology was used to collect the big data of merchant comments from Meituan-Dianping,China's largest O2O e-commerce platform,and GIS analysis and mathematical statistics were used to systematically analyze the spatial evolution process of O2O e-commerce in the Yellow River Basin.Conclusions were drawn as follows:The development of O2O e-commerce in the Yellow River Basin is distinct in different stages.From 2012 to 2014,it was a period of slow growth;2015 to 2016 saw rapid expansion;2017 to 2019 was a period of stable growth;after 2020,it entered a phase of intense fluctuation.The spatial development pattern of O2O e-commerce in the Yellow River Basin shows distinct hierarchy.Zhengzhou and Xi'an ranked the first level,6 cities such as Qingdao,Jinan and Luoyang the second level,17 cities such as Taiyuan,Hohhot and Lanzhou the third level,22 cities such as Yinchuan and Xining the fourth level,and the other 38 cities the fifth level.The spatial expansion of O2O e-commerce in the Yellow River Basin is characterized by a combination of hierarchical diffusion and contagious diffusion.The development of O2O e-commerce in the Yellow River Basin has shown an increasingly obvious"polarization"phenomenon.The above conclusions have certain reference value for promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the entity economy in the Yellow River Basin,cultivating and strengthening the new economy,and achieving high-quality development.
作者 齐敬辉 叶晨曦 汤振兴 QI Jinghui;YE Chenxi;TANG Zhenxing(Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics,Zhengzhou Henan 450046,China)
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2024年第4期70-78,共9页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
基金 河南省软科学研究计划项目“双循环新发展格局下黄河流域O2O电商空间发展格局、演化路径及高质量发展对策研究”(232400410360)。
关键词 O2O电子商务 黄河流域 空间演化 大数据 O2O e-commerce Yellow River basin spatial evolution big data
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