

Research hotspots and frontier analysis of esketamine based on CiteSpace
摘要 目的总结近10年中文、英文文献中艾司氯胺酮的研究现状,对该领域的研究热点和演进趋势进行文献计量学及可视化分析,探讨该领域的研究前沿及发展方向,为相关研究提供借鉴和参考。方法选择中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据(Wanfang Data)和维普资讯(VIP)作为中文数据来源,Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库作为英文数据来源,运用文献计量学及CiteSpace 6.2R1软件对2013年1月1日至2023年3月25日已发表的艾司氯胺酮相关的中文、英文文献的作者、机构以及关键词分别进行可视化分析,对可视化分析的结果以知识图谱的形式展示。总结发文量趋势、高产作者、作者合作情况、发文机构排名、机构合作情况,进行关键词共现、聚类、突现分析。在聚类图谱中,聚类模块值(Q)>0.3认为聚类结果显著,平均轮廓值(S)>0.5认为聚类合理,结合分析结果对艾司氯胺酮的研究现状及发展趋势进行总结。结果2013年至2023年,中文、英文文献中艾司氯胺酮相关研究的发文量整体呈上升趋势。可视化分析结果显示英文文献作者及机构间合作较中文多,且不乏国际合作;中文发文量最高的作者为杨建军,英文发文量最高的作者为Hashimoto K;中文发文机构主要是郑州大学第一附属医院麻醉与围术期医学部,英文发文机构主要是美国的强生公司。根据关键词共现分析结果,中文文献中热点关键词为“丙泊酚”“舒芬太尼”“剖宫产”“氯胺酮”等,英文文献中热点关键词为“双盲”“氯胺酮”“难治性抑郁症”“疗效”等。根据关键词聚类图谱,中文、英文文献近年研究较多集中于艾司氯胺酮药理作用、作用机制、应用群体等方向(Q>0.3,S>0.5)。根据关键词突现分析结果,发现研究艾司氯胺酮的抗抑郁作用可能成为未来热点方向。结论当前中文、英文文献研究前沿与研究热点主要集中在艾司氯胺酮与其他麻醉药的复合麻醉效果、临床试验、适用群体以及治疗抑郁症方面。艾司氯胺酮相关研究仍有待发展,需要作者、机构间加强合作,进一步深入研究。 Objective To summarize the research progress on esketamine in Chinese and English literature in recent 10 years,make bibliometric and visual analysis on the research hotspots and evolution trends in this field,and discuss the research fron⁃tier and development direction involved,in order to provide reference for related research.Methods The China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),Wanfang Data,and China Science and Technology Journal Database(VIP)were selected as the Chinese litera⁃ture data sources,while the Web of Science(WOS)Core Collection was selected as the English literature data source.Then,bibliomet⁃ric methods and CiteSpace 6.2R1 software were applied for visual analysis of the authors,institutions and keywords of esketamine⁃related Chinese and English literature published from January 1,2013 to March 25,2023.The results of visual analysis were showed in the form of knowledge map.The trend of publication volume,high⁃yield authors,author cooperation,publication institu⁃tion ranking,and institutional cooperation were summarized,while keyword co⁃occurrence,clustering analysis,and emergence analysis were performed.In the cluster map,the cluster module value(Q)>0.3 was considered to be significant,while the average contour value(S)>0.5 was considered to be reasonable.The research status and development trend of esketamine were summarized based on the above results.Results From 2013 to 2023,the number of esketamine⁃related studies published in Chinese and English literature showed an overall upward trend.The visual analysis results demonstrated that there was more cooperation among English author teams than Chinese,more inter⁃agency cooperation,and plenty of international cooperation.The author with the highest number of Chinese ar⁃ticles was Yang Jianjun,and the author with the highest number of English articles was Hashimoto K.The institution publishing Chi⁃nese literature was mainly Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University.The institution publishing English literature was mainly Johnson&Johnson of the United States.According to the keyword co⁃occurrence analysis,the hot keywords in Chinese literature were"propofol","sufentanil","cesarean section",and"ketamine",etc,while the hot keywords in English literature were"double⁃blind","ketamine","treatment⁃resistant depression"and"efficacy",etc.Ac⁃cording to the keyword cluster map,the Chinese and English literatures in recent years focused on pharmacological effect,mechanism of action,and application group(Q>0.3,S>0.5).According to the results of keyword emergence analysis,the antidepressant effect of es⁃ketamine may become a hot topic in the future.Conclusions The current research frontiers and hotspots in Chinese and English lit⁃erature mainly focus on the combined anesthetic effect of esketamine and other anesthetics,clinical trials,application group and treat⁃ment of depression.Esketamine⁃related research is still needed,and it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between authors and insti⁃tutions and further in⁃depth research.
作者 熊瑞驿 胡泉清 张晓 秦伟伟 马福国 王明山 孙立新 Xiong Ruiyi;Hu Quanqing;Zhang Xiao;Qin Weiwei;Ma Fuguo;Wang Mingshan;Sun Lixin(Department of Anesthesiology,Qingdao Municipal Hospital,Medical College of Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China;Depart-ment of Critical Care Medicine,Laixi People's Hospital,Qingdao 266600,China)
出处 《国际麻醉学与复苏杂志》 CAS 2024年第4期397-403,共7页 International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
关键词 艾司氯胺酮 CITESPACE 文献计量学 可视化分析 Esketamine CiteSpace Bibliometrics Visualization analysis
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