

Policies by the Government of the Republic of China on Governance in Xizang and the Historical Process of the Development of Tibetan Buddhism in the Chinese Context
摘要 民国时期,在西藏地方与中央政府关系较为困难的背景下,由汉藏民间僧俗大众掀起,并得到历届民国政府支持的汉藏佛教文化交流活动迅速发展,不仅推进了汉藏佛教界的交流与互动,而且有助于加强西藏与内地各族民众的交流与了解,为中华民族多元一体格局的形成发展奠定了重要的文化、心理基础,推动了藏传佛教中国化的历史进程。在历届民国政府支持下,以九世班禅、诺那呼图克图、喜饶嘉措等为代表的藏传佛教僧人在内地弘法讲经、传播藏传佛教及西藏文化,传播的人群范围不再局限于以往的皇室、高官等阶层,而是拓展至内地更广大的各阶层民众。传统的藏传佛教法会具有了团结民众、抵御日本侵略等时代意涵。1936年,国民政府制定颁布《喇嘛转世办法》,沿袭清代治理西藏之策,以国家法律管理藏传佛教活佛转世事宜。同年,国民政府还颁布《补助汉藏僧侣游学规则》。这些政策措施极大地促进了汉藏佛教文化交流,加强了西藏与内地的联系。 During the period of Republic of China,in the context of the difficult relationship between the local governments of Xizang and the central government,sparked by the Han and Tibetan Buddhist monks and lay people,and supported by successive governments of the Republic of China,the Han-Tibetan Buddhist exchanges developed rapidly,which not only promoted the exchanges and interactions between the Han and Tibetan Buddhist circles,but also helped to strengthen the communications and understanding between people of all ethnic groups in Xizang and the mainland.Moreover,the Han-Tibetan Buddhist exchanges laid an important cultural and psychological foundation for the formation and development of the diversified and integrated pattern of the Chinese nation,and promoted the historical process of the development of Tibetan Buddhism in the Chinese context.With the support of successive governments,Tibetan Buddhist monks represented by the Ninth Panchen Lama,Nuona Huthugthu,Shes-rab rGya-mtsho,etc.,spread Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan culture in the mainland.The scope of dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism was no longer limited to the royal family and high-ranking officials,but expanded to a wider range of people from all walks of life in the mainland.In addition,the traditional Tibetan Buddhist dharma-assembly had contemporary implications,such as uniting the people and resisting Japanese aggression.In 1936,the central government formulated and promulgated the Measures for the Reincarnation of Lamas,which followed the policy of the Qing Dynasty to govern Xizang and governed the reincarnation of Living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism with laws.In the same year,the central government also issued the Regulations on Subsidizing Han and Tibetan Monks to Study Buddhism.These policies have greatly promoted the cultural exchanges between Han and Tibetan Buddhism,and strengthened the ties between Xizang and the mainland.
作者 邱熠华 QIU Yi-hua
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2024年第1期11-21,208,209,共13页 China Tibetology
关键词 民国时期 汉藏佛教文化交流 治藏政策 活佛转世 藏传佛教中国化 The Republic of China Han-Tibetan Buddhist exchanges Policy of the governance on Xizang Reincarnation of Living Buddha Development of Tibetan Buddhism in the Chinese context
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