

The Struggle for the Guannei Dao between Tang and Tubo and Transformation of the Frontier Poetic in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐蕃关系是唐朝重要的对外关系之一,其最突出的特点是密切交往与频繁战争相交织。就唐蕃战争而言,以安史之乱为界分为前后两期:前期吐蕃以河湟为根基对河西、陇右、西域等地区展开重点争夺,双方互有胜负。初盛唐时期的边塞诗中对唐蕃之间的争夺有大量书写,诗歌慷慨激昂。后期安史之乱爆发,吐蕃趁机不断东进,将争夺的前沿阵地转移到关内道,直接威胁长安,这一事件对中晚唐边塞诗产生了重大影响,不仅将书写的重点转到关内道,而且由此造成的疆域逼仄感与诗歌中的衰飒之气非常明显,诗人开始思考唐代的边政等重大政治军事问题,同时关注个体遭遇,使唐代的边塞诗在内容与风格方面都发生了重大转变。 The Tang-Tubo relationship was one of the most important external relations in the Tang Dynasty.Its most prominent feature was the intertwining of close communication and frequent conflicts.In terms of the Tang-Tubo relationship,it can be divided into two stages based on the An-Shi's Rebellion.Tubo got a foothold in Hehuang in earlier stage and launched key competitions for areas such as Hexi,Longyou,and the Western Regions,with both sides winning and losing.A large number of frontier poems during the early period and the flourishing period of the Tang Dynasty wrote about the struggle between Tang and Tubo.The poems are impassioned.In the later stage,Tubo took the opportunity to expand eastward after the An-Shi's Rebellion broke out.Tubo shifted the battlefront to the Guannei Dao,and directly threatened Chang'an.The incident had a major impact on the frontier poems in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.It not only shifted the focus of writing to the Guannei Dao,but also caused a very obvious sense of narrow territory and a sense of depression in the poems.The poets began to ponder on the frontier politics and other major political and military issues in the Tang Dynasty,and at the same time paid attention to individual experiences,which made the frontier poems of the Tang Dynasty have a great change in content and style.
作者 田峰 TIAN Feng
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2024年第1期77-86,213,共11页 China Tibetology
基金 教育部人文社科研究青年项目“唐宋时期的疆域变迁与文学演进研究”(项目编号:19YJC751040)阶段性成果。
关键词 唐蕃 战争 关内道 边塞诗 转变 Tang-Tubo Warfare Guannei Dao Frontier poems Transformation
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