

Intercommunication and Fusion:The Business Practices and Historical Contributions of Merchants Heading to Xizang and Yunnan during the Republic of China Era
摘要 民国时期赴藏的内地商人群体在西藏地方的商贸活动,以及伴此产生的与西藏地方各阶层之间的族际互动,对区域经济、社会、文化的发展产生了深远影响。文章通过梳理散见于各处的史料和商贸数据,结合实地调研、口述访谈,以期提炼和深化对于民国时期赴藏滇商的认识。云南在藏商人群体兼坐商和行商,多集中在拉萨和昌都一带,往来于滇藏茶马古道,经营沱茶、铜器、药材、氆氇、牛羊皮、土产等商品,在民国时期的民族贸易和跨境贸易中表现活跃,尤其是在抗日战争爆发以后,滇藏茶马古道因其特殊的战略地位和交通位置,使得各类物资得以源源不断地输入内地,古道上的云南商人踊跃参与到物资运输及商贸活动中,对我国抗日战争以及世界反法西斯战争胜利作出了重要贡献。探讨彼时赴藏滇商的经营之道和历史贡献,可为新时代促进各民族交往交流交融和强化中华民族历史观提供借鉴与经验。 During the Republic of China era,the activities of mainland Chinese merchants heading to Xizang and the resulting interethnic interactions with various local Tibetan groups had profound impacts on the regional economy,society,and culture.This article,through the examination of scattered historical materials and trade data,combined with on-site research and oral interviews,aims to refine and deepen our understanding of mainland Chinese merchants who went to Xizang and Yunnan during the Republic of China era.These merchants from Yunnan to Xizang engaged in both sitting and traveling trade,mostly concentrated in the Lhasa and Chamdo areas,traversing the Yunnan-Xizang Tea Horse Ancient Road,dealing in commodities such as Pu'er tea,copperware,medicinal herbs,woolen fabrics,hides,and local products.They actively participated in ethnic and cross-border trade during the Republic of China era,especially after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.The strategic location of the Yunnan-Xizang Tea Horse Ancient Road facilitated a continuous influx of various goods into the interior,leading Yunnan merchants on this ancient road to actively engage in material transport and trade activities,making significant contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japanese aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.Exploring the business practices and historical contributions of merchants heading to Xizang and Yunnan during that time can serve as valuable experience and reference for contemporary interethnic interactions,exchanges,fusion,and the strengthening of the historical perspective of the Chinese nation.
作者 何达 HE Da
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2024年第1期153-161,217,218,共11页 China Tibetology
基金 西南民族大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金”国家项目培育项目“枢纽人:民国时期内地旅藏商人研究”(项目编号:2021058)阶段性成果。
关键词 民国时期 西藏地区 云南商人 互助互通 民族融合 The period of the Republic of China Xizang Yunnan merchants Mutual assistance and intercommunication Ethnic integration
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