Based on the HS 6-digit product-level trade data,the paper measures the quality of export products of 221 economies around the world from 1995~2018,and quantifies the depth of digital trade rules in 370 regional trade agreements around the world based on the TAPED to empirically test the effect of signing regional digital trade rules on the upgrading of the quality of national export products.The results show that the digital facilitation and intellectual property rights provisions in regional digital trade rules can significantly promote the upgrading of a country's export product quality,while the privacy protection provisions bring a dampening effect,and this conclusion stil holds after a series of robustness tests such as adding control variables,incorporating fixed effects,and adopting PPML estimation.The results of the mechanism test indicate that a country's signing of regional highstandard digital facilitation and intellectual property rights clauses can effectively promote the country's imports and inputs of intermediate services,which in turn promotes the upgrading of the quality of its export products.
World Economy Studies