

Difference of nutritional components and metabolites in basidiomata of Auricularia cornea cultivated with three different substrates
摘要 为了解桉树皮和桉木屑与杂木屑栽培的毛木耳Auricularia cornea营养成分和子实体代谢物的差异,以杂木屑、桉木屑和桉树皮作为主料栽培的毛木耳子实体为供试材料,分别测定水分、蛋白质、脂肪、可溶性糖、粗纤维和粗灰分;基于超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(ultra-highperformance liquidchromatography-tandemmassspectrometry,UHPLC-MS)代谢组学技术分析不同子实体的代谢差异。结果表明:与杂木屑栽培毛木耳相比,利用桉木屑和桉树皮栽培的毛木耳的粗蛋白、可溶性糖和粗灰分的含量较高,而粗脂肪、粗纤维则含量较低。桉木屑组与杂木屑组间有41种差异代谢产物和5种差异代谢物通路,桉树皮组与杂木屑组间有49种差异代谢产物和15种差异代谢物通路,桉木屑组与桉树皮组间有44种差异代谢产物和21种差异代谢物通路。根据KEGG(Kyoto EncyclopediaofGenesandGenomes)代谢通路富集分析,桉木屑组和杂木屑组之间有2条差异显著的代谢通路(P<0.05),分别为氨基糖和核苷酸糖代谢;淀粉和蔗糖代谢。桉树皮组和杂木屑组之间有5条差异显著的代谢通路,分别为丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢;氨基糖和核苷酸糖代谢;嘌呤代谢;C5-支链二元酸代谢;淀粉和蔗糖代谢。桉木屑组和桉树皮组之间有4条差异显著的代谢通路,分别为丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢;淀粉和蔗糖代谢;嘌呤代谢;氨基糖和核苷酸糖代谢。利用桉木屑和桉树皮作为栽培基质可以增加毛木耳营养成分含量,提高商品品质同时降低生产成本,该研究为桉木屑和桉树皮应用于食用菌栽培提供参考。 Auricularia cornea cultivated with mixed tree sawdust or miscellaneous sawdust(treatment A,control),eucalyptus sawdust(treatment B)and eucalyptus bark(treatment C)was used as the test material,and moisture content,crude protein,crude fat,soluble sugar,crude fibre and coarse ash in basidiomata on the three different substrates were measured respectively.Based on the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(UHPLC-MS)technique,the differences of metabolites and their pathways in A.cornea were analyzed.The results show that compared with that in A.cornea cultivated with miscellaneous sawdust,the content of crude protein,soluble sugar,and crude ash in A.cornea cultivated with by-products of eucalyptus(eucalyptus sawdust and eucalyptus bark)is higher,while the content of crude fat and crude fiber is lower.There were 41 differential metabolites and 5 differential metabolite pathways between treatment B(using eucalyptus sawdust as cultivating substrate)and treatment A(using miscellaneous sawdust as cultivating substrate),49 differential metabolites and 15 differential metabolite pathways between treatment C(using eucalyptus bark as cultivating substrate)and treatment A,and 44 differential metabolites and 21 differential metabolite pathways between treatment B and treatment C.Enrichment metabolic pathway analysis based on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG),demonstrated that treatment B and treatment A had two significant metabolic pathways(P<0.05)(amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism and starch and sucrose metabolism),while treatment C and treatment A had five significant metabolic pathways(alanine,aspartate and glutamate metabolism,amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism,purine metabolism,C5-branched dibasic acid metabolism and starch and sucrose metabolism),and treatment B and treatment C had four significant metabolic pathways(alanine,aspartate and glutamate metabolism,starch and sucrose metabolism,purine metabolism,and amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism).Using eucalyptus sawdust and eucalyptus bark as cultivation substrates can increase the nutritional content of A.cornea,improve product quality,and reduce production costs.This study provides reference for the application of eucalyptus sawdust and eucalyptus bark in the cultivation of A.cornea.
作者 罗阳兰 陈丽新 王灿琴 韦娇君 蓝桃菊 吴圣进 韦仕岩 LUO Yanglan;CHEN Lixin;WANG Canqin;WEI Jiaojun;LAN Taoju;WU Shengjin;WEI Shiyan(Microbiology Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007,Guangxi,China)
出处 《菌物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期95-116,共22页 Mycosystema
基金 创新联盟专项-科技先锋队“强农富民”“六个一”专项行动(桂农科盟202308) 广西田林特色作物试验站建设项目(TS2022017)。
关键词 桉树加工副产物 毛木耳 栽培基质 营养成分 非靶向代谢组学 eucalyptus processing by-products Auricularaia cornea cultivation substrates nutritional composition untargeted metabolomics
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