

Clinical Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Kushen Decoction Combined with Reduced Fumigation and Washing Combined with Sphincter Preservation Surgery in the Treatment of Postoperative Perianal Abscess
摘要 本研究的目的是探讨中药苦参汤加减熏洗与保留括约肌术结合治疗肛周脓肿的临床疗效。本次研究对象为湖南中医药大学第二附属医院肛肠科2023年1月至2024年1月收治的120例肛周脓肿患者。将120名肛周脓肿患者随机分配到两个治疗小组中,一组遵循传统手术治疗方案,而另一组则实施中药苦参汤加减熏洗结合保留括约肌术的治疗方式。经过对这些患者的治疗与观察,我们得出的结论是:实施中药苦参汤加减熏洗结合保留括约肌术的治疗小组在治疗效果上显著胜出,总体有效率高达96.7%。不仅如此,接受此方案的患者术后康复速度较快,疼痛程度明显减轻,且术后并发症的发生率相对较低。相较之下,接受传统手术治疗的患者术后疼痛明显,且部分患者还出现了术后感染、出血等并发症状。这项研究充分证明,采用中药苦参汤加减熏洗结合保留括约肌术对肛周脓肿的治疗,不仅效果显著,还具有良好的临床效益,因此,该方法值得在临床上得到广泛的推广与应用。 The purpose of this study is to explore the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine Kushen Tang combined with reduced fumigation and sphincter preservation surgery in the treatment of perianal abscess.The subjects of this study were 120 patients with perianal abscess admitted to the Department of Anorectal Surgery,Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2023 to January 2024.120 patients with perianal abscess were randomly assigned to two treatment groups.One group followed the traditional surgical treatment plan,while the other group received a combination of traditional Chinese medicine Kushen Tang with reduced fumigation and washing combined with sphincter preservation surgery.After treatment and observation of these patients,our conclu-sion is that the treatment group that implemented the traditional Chinese medicine Kushen Tang combined with reduced fumigation and washing combined with sphincter preservation surgery significantly outperformed in terms of treatment effect,with an overall effective rate of 96.7%.Moreover,patients who receive this plan have a faster postoperative recovery rate,significantly reduced pain levels,and a relatively lower incidence of postoperative complications.In contrast,patients receiving traditional surgical treatment experience significant postopera-tive pain,and some patients also experience complications such as postoperative infection and bleeding.This study fully demonstrates that the combination of traditional Chinese medicine Kushen Tang with reduced fumigation and washing combined with sphincter preservation surgery is not only effective in the treatment of perianal abscess,but also has good clinical benefits.Therefore,this method is worthy of wide-spread promotion and application in clinical practice.
作者 姜永强 陈月圆 Yongqiang Jiang;Yueyuan Chen(Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changsha,Hunan 410208)
机构地区 湖南中医药大学
出处 《医学研究前沿》 2024年第3期33-36,共4页
关键词 中药苦参汤 熏洗结合 肛周脓肿 chinese medicine kushen tang combination of fumigation and washing perianal abscess
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