
以终身学习为导向的信息素质教育改革与创新 被引量:3

Reform and Innovation of Information Literacy Instruction Oriented Towards Lifelong Learning
摘要 以“文献检索”或者“信息检索”为核心的传统信息素质教育已经不能适应数智时代人才培养的要求,近年来国内不少高校的信息素质类课程举步维艰,部分高校已经停止开设信息素质类课程。四川师范大学以终身学习为导向改革传统信息素质教育,通过更新教学理念、调整课程名称、转变教学目标、重构教学内容、建设教学资源、创新教学模式、改进教学方法、优化评价方式、建设教学团队等一系列改革和创新,提升课程的实用性,强化信息素质教育在人才培养和学校发展中的地位和作用,取得了包括两门国家一流课程、一门国家精品在线开放课程在内的诸多成绩,为学生的全面发展和综合素质提升打下了坚实的基础。 Fostering information literacy for academic achievement and innovation is an important aspect of higher education.However,traditional information literacy instruction centered around“literature retrieval”or“information retrieval”no longer meets the demands of higher education in the digital age.Many universities in China face various challenges in information literacy instruction,represented by low enrollment,students'low inclination to engage,depreciated course value,lack of“in-depth”research and gradual marginalization of the curricula.Substantial reform and innovation are urgently needed in information literacy instruction at universities.This article aims to offer practical experiences and models for reforming information literacy instruction for higher education.With methods of literature review,survey and case analysis,it studied the historical development and current status of information literacy instruction at Sichuan Normal University,summarized the reflections and practices in information literacy instruction reform,proposing a curricula framework and specific strategies to improve students'lifelong learning abilities.Study indicates Sichuan Normal University has undertaken comprehensive reforms and innovations with student-centered principle oriented towards lifelong learning.Major measures of reform includes:(1)To rename the course titled Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning,emphasizing the importance of information literacy instruction to further lifelong self-directed learning.(2)To reset the teaching goal to enhance students'lifelong learning ability rather than information-related skills.(3)To reconstruct the content based on the problem-solving scenarios including self-directed learning,competency improvement,competitive skills in digital society,and guidance for scientific research.(4)To update the teaching resources from general textbook-based curricula to comprehensive resource including original MOOCs,SPOCs,the textbooks specifically designed by the faculty.(5)To innovate the teaching mode with online-offline channels for active engagement and embedded instructions.(6)To implement the flipped learning model aims to increase students'engagement by having students complete tasks and participate in hands-on activities,pushing students to attain a higher level of cognitive function and critical thinking.(7)To redesign the course assessment from outcome-oriented single evaluation to process-oriented multiple assessments,stimulating students to engage in the course and learn with interest.In achieving this,Sichuan Normal University has established a specific teaching and research section with full-time and part-time faculties to maintain a stable while extensible team and a uniformed pedagogy.Surveys reveal higher curricula enrolment and better social and scholarly effect within and beyond the university,reinforcing the vital role of information literacy in higher education.This case study offers a overview of endeavors in information literacy curricula reforming in higher education of China and proposes further research in this area to promote the high-quality development of information literary instruction.
作者 谭英 周建芳 曹成建 TAN Ying;ZHOU Jianfang;CAO Chengjian
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期43-48,共6页 Journal of Academic Libraries
关键词 信息素质教育 终身学习 教育改革 四川师范大学 Information Literacy Instruction Lifelong Learning Educational Reform Sichuan Normal University
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