
观众对考古的认知与态度:扎根理论视域下陕西考古博物馆的观众体验研究 被引量:1

Audience Perception and Attitudes Towards Archaeology:A Study of Visitor Experience at Shaanxi Archaeological Museum from the Perspective of Grounded Theory
摘要 参观考古博物馆能否或多大程度地影响观众对考古的认知和态度/情感?运用扎根理论对陕西考古博物馆的观众访谈进行分析,结合观众的行为观察,可发现观众对考古博物馆的认知层面可以概括为考古学史、考古学理论与方法、考古工作、考古博物馆特点四个类属,情感层面包括回响、共情、启发和文化认同四种类型,观众的认知与态度/情感不可分割。在观众对考古博物馆体验的归因方面,观众的个人兴趣是影响参观最为重要的个人因素,其与展览内容的丰富、展览阐释的清晰与多样等共同塑造了参观体验。扎根理论视域下关于陕西考古博物馆观众对考古认知与态度的调查与研究,可为相关博物馆观众体验研究提供借鉴。 Whether or to what extent can visiting archaeological museums influence audience perception and emotions or attitudes towards archaeology?Applying the Grounded Theory,this study,by conducting interviews with and behaviour observation of visitors at the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum,reveals that audience perception of archaeological museums focuses on archaeological history,archaeological theory and methods,archaeological work,and archaeological museums and their emotional performances include resonance,empathy,inspiration,and cultural identity,demonstrating the inseparability of audience perception and emotions or attitudes.Regarding the attribution of visitor experiences at archaeological museums,individual interests are the most significant influencing factor.Together with the richness of exhibition content and the clarity and diversity of exhibition interpretations,they collectively shape the visitor experience.This study of audience perception and attitudes towards archaeology at the Shaanxi Archaeology Museum from the perspective of Grounded Theory can provide insights for related studies on museum visitor experiences.
作者 付文军 陈妍 何杰锋 王沛 FU Wen-jun;CHEN Yan;HE Jie-feng;WANG Pei(Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510006;Guangxi Minzu University,Nanning,Guangxi,530006;Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710043)
出处 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期154-161,共8页 Southeast Culture
基金 广州美术学院学术提升计划项目“参观体验与身份认同:博物馆观众研究”(23XSC66)。
关键词 考古博物馆 观众体验 认知 态度/情感 扎根理论 archaeology museum visitor experience perception attitudes/emotions grounded theory
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