目的 分析2021年湖南省中小学校教学环境卫生现状,为教学环境改善提供决策依据和建议,促进学生健康。方法 2021年在湖南省123个县市区选择660所中小学校,每所学校选择6间教室,对教室人均面积、课桌椅、黑板尺寸和反射比、照明和噪音进行现场监测,并分析评价教学环境卫生状况。结果 2021年湖南省中小学校教室人均面积、课桌椅分配、黑板尺寸、黑板反射比、黑板平均照度、黑板照度均匀度、课桌面平均照度、课桌面照度均匀度、噪声合格率,分别为29.6%、12.7%、71.8%、41.0%、26.8%、80.1%、51.1%、58.5%、45.8%。城区教室人均面积、黑板平均照度、课桌面平均照度、课桌面照度均匀度合格率(35.5%、33.4%、53.2%、61.7%)高于郊县(25.9%、22.6%、49.7%、56.5%),郊县黑板尺寸、黑板反射比、黑板照度均匀度合格率(75.4%、43.0%、83.1%)高于城区(66.0%、37.8%、75.3%),差异均有统计学意义;公办学校黑板尺寸、黑板照度均匀度、课桌面照度均匀度合格率(73.0%、80.4%、59.0%)高于民办(52.8%、75.2%、51.2%),民办学校教室人均面积、噪声合格率(38.2%、52.4%)高于公办(29.1%、45.3%),差异均有统计学意义;随经济片区由差到好,教室人均面积、课桌椅分配、黑板平均照度、课桌面平均照度合格率呈上升趋势,黑板尺寸、黑板反射比、黑板照度均匀度合格率呈下降趋势,差异均有统计学意义;随教育阶段由低到高,教室人均面积、黑板平均照度、噪声合格率呈上升趋势,黑板尺寸呈下降趋势,差异均有统计学意义。结论 2021年湖南省中小学校总体教学环境卫生状况不容乐观,不同经济片区、教育阶段、学校性质间分布不均衡,应进一步加强教学环境改善力度,促进学生健康。
Objective To analyze the current situation of teaching environment hygiene in primary and middle schools in Hunan Province in 2021,and to provide a basis and suggestions for policy-making towards classroom environment improvement and promoting students’health.Methods Six hundred and sixty primary and secondary schools were selected in 123 counties or cities of Hunan Province in 2021,and 6 classrooms were chosen in each school.Per capita area,distribution of desks and chairs,blackboard size,blackboard reflection ratio,illumination and noise in the classrooms were inspected on the spot,and then the status of teaching environment hygiene was evaluated.Results The qualified rates of per capita classroom area,distribution of desks and chairs,blackboard size,blackboard reflection ratio,average illumination of blackboards,evenness of illumination of blackboards,average illumination of desks,evenness of illumination of desks and noise in the primary and secondary schools in Hunan Province in 2021 were 29.6%,12.7%,71.8%,41.0%,26.8%,80.1%,51.1%,58.5%and 45.8%respectively.The qualified rates of per capita classroom area,average illumination of blackboards,average illumination of desks and evenness of illumination of desks in urban schools were higher than those in suburban schools(35.5%vs.25.9%,33.4%vs.22.6%,53.2%vs.49.7%,61.7%vs.56.5%).The qualified rates of blackboard size,blackboard reflection ratio and evenness of illumination of blackboards in suburban schools were higher than those in urban schools(75.4%vs.66.0%,43.0%vs.37.8%,83.1%vs.75.3%),showing statistically significant differences.The qualified rates of blackboard size,evenness of illumination of blackboards andevenness of illumination of desks in public schools were higher than those in private schools(73.0%vs.52.8%,80.4%vs.75.2%,59.0%vs.51.2%),while the qualified rates of per capita classroom area and noise in private schools were higher thanthose in public schools(38.2%vs.29.1%,52.4%vs.45.3%),with statistically significant differences.From theaspects of areas with poor economic status to areas with good economic status,the qualified rates of per capita classroom area,distribution of desks and chairs,average illumination of blackboards and average illumination of desks showed upward trends,while thequalified rates of blackboard size,blackboard reflection ratio and evenness of illumination of blackboards showed downward trends,showing statistically significant differences.With the education stage from low to high,per capita classroom area,average illumination of blackboards and noise showed increasing trends,while the qualified rate of blackboard size presented a decreasing trend,showing statistically significant differences.Conclusion The overall situation of teaching environment hygiene of the primary and secondary schools in Hunan Province is not optimistic,and the distribution among different economic areas,education stages and schooltypesis not balanced.It is necessary to further strengthen the improvement of teaching environment so as to promote the students’health.
TAN Yaqing;WANG Fei;HU Ji;LI Kaiyu;CHEN Yanhua(Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Changsha,Hunan 410153,China)
Practical Preventive Medicine
primary and secondary schools
teaching environment
common diseases in
students students’health