

A Study of the Spread of the Chinese Language in the United States and the Healthy Development of China-U.S. Relations
摘要 中文在美传播历史悠久,有记录的历史已长达140余年。中华文明与文化的独特魅力以及美国华人移民群体的不断壮大为早期中文传播奠定了一定的专业和民众基础。自二战开始,美国政府开始助推中文传播,中华人民共和国成立后,也积极推进中文向世界传播,这些都为中文在美传播创造了条件。随着中文传播的发展,中文传播的民间力量不断涌现,比较有名的包括全美学术团体委员会、美国中文教师协会、美国华文教育组织、美国孔子学院以及其他一些颇具影响力的组织、机构和个人等,并随着全球化与科学技术特别是高速网络、大数据以及智能设备与应用的发展而形成一个覆盖美国各地区、各领域的中文传播网络。中文在美传播有助于改进美国对中国的了解,推动文明交流互鉴,构建民间友好关系,进而为中美关系健康发展打下坚实的民间基础;健康的中美关系也会进一步推进中文在美传播,从而形成良性循环。 The spread of the Chinese language in the United States has a fairly long history,and its recorded history is over 140 years.The unique charm of Chinese civilization and culture,coupled with the continuous growth of the Chinese immigrant community in the United States,laid a certain professional and public basis for the early spread of the Chinese language in the United States.Since World War II,the U.S.government has begun to promote the spread of the Chinese language in the United States,and since 1949 the People’s Republic of China has also actively promoted the global spread of the Chinese language,which have created favorable conditions for the spread of the Chinese language in the United States.With the quickened steps of the spread of the Chinese language in the United States,various non-governmental forces dedicated to the spread of the Chinese language in the United States have emerged,including the American Council of Learned Societies,the Chinese Language Teachers Association,American Chinese-language Education Organizations,the Confucius Institutes in the United States,and other fairly influential organizations,institutions and individuals.Along with the development of globalization and advancements in science and technology,especially high-speed networks,big data,and smart devices and applications,a network for the spread of the Chinese language in various regions and fields in the United States has formed.The spread of the Chinese language in the United States contributes to improving the Americans’understanding of China,promoting exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations,and building friendly people-to-people relationships,and thereby lays a solid civil foundation for the healthy development of China-U.S.relations which in turn will further promote the spread of the Chinese language in the United States in a virtuous cycle.
作者 王玉响 刘娅莉 WANG Yuxiang;LIU Yali(School of Foreign Studies,Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,China;School of International Education,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610066,China)
出处 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2024年第3期21-31,共11页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University(Teaching & Studying Chinese as a Foreign Language Edition)
关键词 中文传播 文明互鉴 传播力量 中美关系 民间交流 spread of the Chinese language mutual learning among different civilizations forces of language spread China-U.S.relations non-governmental exchanges
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