

Countersanction Cooperation and Harmony without Uniformity:A Study on the Strategies of China and Russia in Coping with the Double Containment of the U.S.Cyber Hegemony
摘要 虚拟网络空间已经成为大国博弈的新场域。美国网络霸权以技术、制度和文化为三大支柱,同时对中国和俄罗斯两大战略竞争对手进行“双遏制”,给两国带来持续性战略压力。为此,搭建以技术、制度和文化为基本参考系的解释框架,分析中俄两国应对美国网络霸权策略的异同之处,具有重要意义。一方面,就同质性而言,面对美国网络霸权这一共同的外部性压力,中国与俄罗斯协作反制,政策目标基本一致。两国均强调提升科技创新能力,缩小对美技术差距;加强国际治理合作,重视国际机制;积极倡导网络主权,维护网络空间秩序。另一方面,就异质性而言,基于各自有别的物质力量、自我定位以及对外理念等内部性因素,中俄两国“和而不同”,在应对美国网络霸权的政策工具选择上呈现出明显的差异性。中国更加强调技术升级,大力发展电子商务,创设世界互联网大会等新兴机制,倡导并推动建设“网络空间命运共同体”;俄罗斯则通过进行断网实验发展非对称网络攻防能力,对自身所参与的网络空间治理机制进行强硬改革,并将更多注意力集中于国内。在内外因素共同作用之下,中国与俄罗斯采取“和而不同”的协作反制模式,为共同应对美国网络霸权、推动全球网络空间治理体系更加公平正义提供了可能。 The virtual cyberspace has become a new arena for great power games.The U.S.cyber hegemony relies on technology,institutions,and culture as its three pillars,and simultaneously suppresses China and Russia’s two major strategic competitors,bringing sustained strategic pressure to both countries.Therefore,it is of great significance to establish an explanatory framework based on technology,institutions,and culture,and analyze the similarities and differences between China and Russia in their strategies to address the U.S.cyber hegemony.On the one hand,in terms of homogeneity,facing the common external pressure of the U.S.cyber hegemony,China and Russia cooperate to counter it,and their policy goals resemble each other basically.Both countries emphasize enhancing their technological innovation capabilities,narrowing the technological gap with the United States,strengthening international governance cooperation,valuing international mechanisms,actively advocating network sovereignty,and maintaining cyberspace order.On the other hand,in terms of heterogeneity,based on internal factors such as their own material power,selfpositioning,and external beliefs,China and Russia have shown significant differences in their choice of policy tools to deal with the U.S.cyber hegemony.China has put more emphasis on technology upgrading,vigorously developed e-commerce,created new mechanisms such as the World Internet Conference,and advocated and promoted the construction of a community of shared future in cyberspace.Russia has developed its asymmetric network attack and defense capabilities through network disconnection experiments,implemented tough reforms in the cyberspace governance mechanisms,and focused more attention on domestic issues.In short,under the joint influence of internal and external factors,China and Russia have adopted a harmonious but different collaborative countermeasures model,which provides the possibility for jointly addressing U.S.cyber hegemony and promoting a more fair and just global cyberspace governance.
作者 赵秀赞 王高阳 ZHAO Xiuzan;WANG Gaoyang(Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
机构地区 郑州大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 北大核心 2024年第5期75-89,共15页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“大数据主权安全保障体系建设研究”(21&ZD168) 中国博士后科学基金第73批面上资助项目“算法博弈背景下美国对华规锁与中国应对策略研究”(2023M733254)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中美俄三边关系 网络霸权 协作反制 和而不同 “双遏制” Sino-U.S.-Russian relations cyber hegemony countersanction cooperation harmony without uniformity double containment
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