

Epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis in Lushan county, Henan province, 2017-2022
摘要 目的分析2017—2022年河南省鲁山县肺结核的流行特征,及受新型冠状病毒感染疫情(新冠疫情)影响下的变化,为肺结核防控提供科学依据。方法利用描述性流行病学方法分析鲁山县肺结核流行特征,比较新冠疫情前(2017—2019年)与新冠疫情期间(2020—2022年)鲁山县肺结核流行特征的变化。结果2017-2022年共报告肺结核1876例,年均发病率为39.51/10万;报告发病率总体呈下降趋势(χ^(2)_(趋势)=42.951,P<0.05),从2017年46.95/10万下降至2022年30.95/10万。男女发病比例为3.03∶1,男性报告发病率57.56/10万高于女性20.18/10万,差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=421.483,P<0.05);职业分布以农民最多,占64.23%,其次是学生,占7.14%;年龄以≥60岁为主(605例,发病率79.66/10万)。新冠疫情期间肺结核平均发病率低于疫情前(χ^(2)=42.761,P<0.05),农民及学生发病数均下降,除<10岁组及20~<30岁组外,其余年龄组发病率均低于疫情前。结论鲁山县肺结核发病率总体呈下降趋势,新冠疫情防控对结核病的流行产生了影响。应加强男性人群、农民、学生和老年人等重点人群及经济落后地区的农村结核病防控工作。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis in Lushan county,Henan province from 2017to 2022 and its changes under the influence of COVID-19 so as to provide scientific evidence for tuberculosis prevention and control in Lushan county.Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis in Lushan county,and the changes of the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis before the COVID-19epidemic (2017-2019) and during the COVID-19 epidemic (2020-2022) were compared.Results A total of 1 876 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were reported from 2017-2022,with an average incidence of 39.51/100 000.The reported incidence showed an overall downward trend (χ^(2)_(trend)=42.951,P<0.05),from 46.95/100 000 in 2017 to 30.95/100 000 in 2022.The incidence ratio of male to female was 3.03∶1,and the reported incidence was 57.56/100 000 in males,higher than that in females (20.18/100 000),with statistical significance (χ^(2)=421.483,P<0.05).Farmers had the largest occupation distribution,accounting for 64.23%,followed by students,accounting for 7.14%.The majority of cases were≥60 years old (605 cases;incidence:79.66/100 000).The average incidence of tuberculosis during the COVID-19 epidemic was lower than that before the epidemic (χ^(2)=42.761,P<0.05),and the incidence of tuberculosis in farmers and students decreased.The incidences of tuberculosis in other age groups were lower than those before the epidemic except for<10 year old group and 20-<30 year old group.Conclusions The incidence of tuberculosis in Lushan county showed an overall decreasing trend,and the prevention and control of COVID-19 had an impact on the prevalence of tuberculosis.The prevention and control of tuberculosis in key groups such as males,farmers,students and the elderly,and in the rural areas with backward economic development should be strengthened.
作者 于鹏飞 李保瑞 YU Pengfei;LI Baorui(Lushan County Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Lushan,Henan 467300,China)
出处 《现代疾病预防控制》 2024年第5期360-363,共4页 MODERN DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION
关键词 肺结核 流行特征 新型冠状病毒感染 疫情防控 Pulmonary tuberculosis Epidemiological characteristics COVID-19 Epidemic prevention and control
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