通过对一次大学生价值观调查的分析 ,我们从多个视角看出大学生价值观念的新特点。我们应该在实践中探索大学生价值观教育的新思路 ,坚持以科学的理论作指导 ,强化教育内容的针对性 ,注重教育方法的实效性 。
Through an investigation and analysis of students' values,the new characteristics concerning students' values can be seen from different angles.We should explore the new approaches for educating students in terms of value in our practice.Guided by scientific theory,the contents of education must be clearly aimed at students,the effeciency of educational approaches must be paid special attention to so that a scientifie education mechanism can be attained.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)