In Warring States script,especially in Chu script there occurs the character“■”and characters with the component“■”.Previously,these were interpreted as chu触,or a short form of jie解.After comparing it to Warring States forms of the character jie,it was found that all characters write jie,contain either the dao刀or ren刃components,and that“■”should be interpreted as chu触.The chu ■ on slip 20 of the Kongzi shilun孔子诗论from volume 1 of the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts should be read as“violate.”The chu ■ on slip 4 of Xin shi wei zhong心是谓中in volume 8 of the Tsinghua Manuscripts is understood as“conflict.”Characters that have the chu ■(触)component should also be read accordingly.Chu GF8AF in the Zuozhong Qiju左冢漆梮may have been read as chu歜and understood as“rage.”Zhu GF8AA on slip 16 of the Caomo zhi zhen曹沫之阵in volume 4 of the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts may have been read zhu孎and understood as“respect”or“excellent.”Zhu GF8AA on slip 8 of Tang zai chimen汤在啻门from volume 5 of the Tsinghua Manuscripts may have been read as shu属and understood as“adequate.”The unclear character interpreted as jie解on slip 14 of Zhi bang zhi dao治邦之道in volume 8 of the Tsinghua Manuscripts may have been read as gui絓and understood as“bound.”It is also possible that it was read as shu属and understood as“bound”or“gathered”.
Excavated Documents
Chu script