

The Deconstruction and Reconfiguration of Data Trust
摘要 数据是重要的新型财富,被称为“最有价值的资源”。2022年中共中央、国务院出台的“数据二十条”明确提出建立数据资源产权分置的运行机制。如何在保障安全、加强治理的前提下,充分发挥数据资产价值、加速数据要素流转、赋能实体经济成为当下关注的重点。将信托这种极具灵活性的财产管理方式运用于数据资产管理,会为解决数据资产确权难、互信难等关键性问题提供新的思路。信托制度优势的发挥不仅有助于推动数据资产流通和共享,也会为企业数据产品开发、信用融资、收益分配等提供有力支撑,同时将促使信托制度不断自我革新从而适应数字经济发展的新形势。现有研究和实践并没有回归信托制度本源,将其完整适用于数据收集共享过程中,因此必须对数据信托进行重新建构:首先,应当将数据信托功能定位于数据资产管理和增值,重新厘清其概念;其次,应当明确企业数据权益为信托财产,充分实现对数据资产“权利束”的运用和管理;最后,明确信托受托人将在数据信托中承担信托义务和数据安全义务,但是数据安全义务的实现必须优先于信托义务。将信托运用于企业数据资产管理过程中,可以选择数据资产证券化信托和特殊目的数据信托两种类型,实现数据资产的增值、开发和共享,也可以进一步研究数据公益信托的运用,推动数据资产服务于公益事业。 As the most valuable resource,Data is an important new type of wealth.The Data policies issued in 2022 clearly propose the establishment of an operational mechanism for the separation of data resource property rights.Fully leveraging the value of data assets,accelerating the flow of data elements,thereby empowering the real economy in the context of security and governance have become the current focus.Trust is a highly flexible property management method.It will provide a new way for solving key issues in data asset by using trust management.The trust system will help promote the circulation and sharing of data assets,provide strong support for enterprise data product development,credit financing,income distribution.At the same time,the trust system will continuously self-innovating in order to adapt to the new situation of digital economy development.The existing research and practice have not fully applied the trust system to the process of data collection and sharing,so it is necessary to reconstruct the data trust.Firstly,the function of data trust should be positioned as data asset management and value-added,and its concept should be redefined.Secondly,it should be clarified that enterprise data rights and interests are trust assets,fully realizing the use and management of data asset"rights bundles".Finally,it is clear that the trustee of the trust will assume fiduciary and data security obligations in the data trust,but the implementation of data security obligations will take priority over fiduciary obligations.In the process of using data asset management in enterprises,there are two types of data asset securitization trusts and special purpose data trusts to achieve the appreciation,development,and sharing of data assets.Further research can also be conducted on the application of data public welfare trusts to promote the service of data assets to public welfare undertakings.
作者 李萌 LI Meng(School of Law,Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics,Lanzhou,Gansu,730oo0,PRC)
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期110-121,共12页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 2021年度甘肃省教育科技创新项目“甘肃省法治化营商环境评价指标体系构建研究”(2021QB-092)。
关键词 数据要素 数据信托 受托人义务 数据资产证券化信托 特殊目的数据信托 data elements data trust trustee duty data asset securitization trust special purpose data trust
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