

On the Identification and Limitation of Auditor’s Responsibility in Securities False Statement Compensation
摘要 会计师事务所在证券信息披露中具有专家审验、信用背书以及独立性等特质,应依法合规履行审计人职责,否则将在证券虚假陈述民事赔偿中承担责任。证券虚假陈述中审计人责任的认定与合理限定,是司法裁判中的关键性问题,不仅决定审计人最终承担的民事赔偿数额,还关涉投资者保护与审计行业发展的价值平衡。基于目前审判实践,我国对审计人赔偿责任的认定由完全连带责任向比例连带责任转变,体现了过责相当的裁判理念,极具法律适用价值。然而,依据现有审计人责任的法理基础、法律规定及问责实务,仍存在明确责任认定标准及其合理限度、统一裁判适用的空间。在厘清审计人勤勉尽责义务、反思与重构比例连带责任的具体路径指引下,应探索既符合实质正义价值追求又契合现代金融运行逻辑的责任认定标准与合理限度。 The accounting firm has the characteristics of expert examination,credit endorsement and independence in the disclosure of securities information.It should perform the duties of auditor in accordance with the law,other⁃wise it will bear the responsibility in the civil compensation of securities misrepresentation.The determination and reasonable limitation of the auditor’s liability in securities misrepresentation is a key issue in judicial adjudication.It not only determines the amount of civil compensation ultimately borne by the auditor,but also concerns the value balance between investor protection and the development of the audit industry.Based on the current trial practice,China’s determination of the auditor’s liability for compensation has changed from full joint and several liability to proportional joint and several liability,which reflects the concept of equal liability and has great legal application value.However,according to the legal basis,legal provisions and accountability practice of the existing auditor’s responsibility,there is still room for clarifying the standard of responsibility identification and its reasonable limits,and unifying the application of the referee.This paper will explore the responsibility identification standards and reasonable limits that are in line with the pursuit of substantive justice value and the logic of modern financial oper⁃ation under the specific path of clarifying the auditor’s duty of diligence,reflection and reconstruction of propor⁃tional joint and several liability.
作者 史佳欣 李菁菁 SHI Jia-xin;LI Jing-jing(School of Politics,Law and Public Administration,Yan’an University,Yan’an 716000,Shaanxi;People’s Procuratorate of Zichuan District,Zibo City,Shandong Province,Zibo 255000,Shandong)
出处 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期80-87,共8页 Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 陕西省社会科学基金项目“陕西中小企业融资平台法律风险与法律保障研究”(2023FY05)。
关键词 虚假陈述 审计人责任 比例连带责任 勤勉尽责义务 false statements auditor’s responsibility proportional joint and several liability duty of diligence
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