2023年11月6-11日,地球观测组织(GEO)在南非开普敦国际会议中心成功举办为期一周,主题为“倾听地球”(The Earth Talks)的GEO会议周。会议周包括GEO第19届全会、第6次部长级峰会、第62次执委会会议以及近70场不同主题的边会和地球观测成果展览。来自世界各地近千名代表参加了会议周的各项活动。由国家遥感中心组织的中国GEO代表团近70位代表参加了会议。他们来自科技部、工业和信息化部、自然资源部、国家生态与环保部、国家气象局、中国科学院、清华大学、武汉大学、同济大学等单位。中国地理学会地理大数据工作委员会廖小罕主任、白玉琪副主任、柳钦火副主任、刘闯秘书长等参加中国GEO代表团出席了会议。
On November 6-11,2023,the Group on Earth Observations(GEO)successfully held the GEO Week conference themed“The Earth Talks”at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in South Africa.The week-long event comprised the 19th GEO Plenary,the 6th Ministerial Summit,the 62nd Executive Committee Meeting,as well as nearly 70 side events and exhibitions showcasing Earth observation achievements.Nearly a thousand representatives from around the world participated in various activities during the conference week.The Chinese GEO delegation,organized by the National Remote Sensing Center,consisted of nearly 70 delegates representing the Ministry of Science and Technology,the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,the Ministry of Natural Resources,the Ministry of Ecology and Environment,the China Meteorological Administration,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Tsinghua University,Wuhan University,Tongji University,and other institutions.Director Liao,Xiaohan,Vice Directors Bai,Yuqi and Liu,Qinhuo,and Secretary-General Liu,Chuang of the Geographic Big Data Working Committee of the Geographical Society of China were among the members of the Chinese GEO delegation attending the conference.
Liu,C.;Bai,Y.Q.(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Tsinghua University,Beijing 100091,China)
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery