

Expand Intermediate Goods Trade:Targeted Policy Measures under Market Leadership
摘要 百年变局下,拓展中间品贸易,有助于我国稳外贸、优化外贸环境、提升产业链掌控力。其动力机制包括:从国际分工来看,中间品贸易仍有较大发展潜力;从中国自身来看,高质量发展需要拓展中间品贸易;从全球政治经济格局来看,中美博弈引发的供应链重构将助推中国中间品贸易的增加。当前,中国拓展中间品贸易面临企业向上游攀升的技术难题及其可能导致的就业问题等内部挑战,通道国家向上游环节攀升、日韩等国家中间品竞争,以及美国可能采取封堵或贸易限制措施等外部挑战。中国拓展中间品贸易应坚持“市场主导、政府引导”的总体思路。从国别区域来看,应重点推进向东盟地区的中间品贸易出口;从产品角度来看,要构建大中间品概念,积极拓展各类产品出口,重点推进高技术产品出口;从国内层面来看,在拓展中间品贸易时要坚持国内区域协调、中间品出口和进口相协调、中间品出口和最终品出口相协调、制造业与服务业相协调。 Under the background of the changing world in the past century,expanding trade in intermediate goods is conducive to stabilizing China's foreign trade,optimizing the foreign trade environment,and enhancing the control of the industrial chain.Its dynamic mechanism includes:from the perspective of international division of labor,there is still great potential for the development of trade in intermediate goods;from China's own perspective,high-quality development requires expanding trade in intermediate goods;from the perspective of the global political and economic landscape,the reconstruction of supply chains triggered by the Sino-US game will promote the increase of China's trade in intermediate goods.Currently,China's expansion of trade in intermediate goods faces internal challenges such as technical difficulties for enterprises to climb upstream and potential employment issues,as well as external challenges such as upstream development of passage countries,competition from intermediate goods from countries such as Japan and South Korea,and possible blocking or trade restrictions from the United States.China should adhere to the general idea of"marketoriented,government-guided"in expanding trade in intermediate goods.From the perspective of countries and regions,it should focus on promoting the export of intermediate goods to ASEAN regions;from the perspective of products,it is necessary to build a broad concept of intermediate goods,actively expand the export of various products,and focus on promoting the export of high-tech products;from the domestic perspective,it is necessary to adhere to the coordination of domestic regions,the coordination of intermediate goods exports and imports,the coordination of intermediate goods exports and final goods exports,and the coordination of manufacturing and service industries when expanding trade in intermediate goods.
作者 苏庆义 郑继铭 桂子豪 Su Qingyi;Zheng Jiming;Gui Zihao(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732)
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《开放导报》 2024年第3期22-35,共14页 China Opening Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局研究(21ZDA008) 中国社会科学院研究所实验室综合资助项目:世界经济预测与政策模拟实验室(2024SYZH003)。
关键词 中间品 贸易 全球产业链 稳外贸 通道国家 Intermediate Goods Trade Global Industry Chain Stable Foreign Trade Corridor Countries
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