

A survey of informatization teaching ability of youth teachers in a military medical university basedon TPACK
摘要 目的调查某军队医学院校青年教师整合技术的学科教学知识(technological pedagogical content knowledge,TPACK)能力水平现状,为提升青年教师信息化教学能力提供现实依据。方法对已有TPACK能力测量量表进行适当修改,形成调查问卷,以某军队医学院校青年教师(教龄<3年)为调查对象,采取方便抽样法,调查其TPACK能力水平现状,通过互联网发放问卷,获得119份有效样本,采用SPSS 20.0进行独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析。结果青年教师各能力得分均值最高为技术知识(technological knowledge,TK)(3.68±0.74),最低为整合技术的学科教学知识TPACK(3.17±0.74);不同专业类别青年教师TPACK各能力水平间差异无统计学意义;不同学位水平青年教师的TK、学科知识(content knowledge,CK)、整合技术的教学法知识(technological pedagogical knowledge,TPK)、整合技术的学科知识(technological content knowledge,TCK)、TPACK水平总体均数差异存在统计学意义(F=12.99,P<0.001;F=13.64,P<0.001;F=4.38,P=0.015;F=3.83,P=0.025;F=3.63,P=0.029),博士学位青年教师TK、CK、TPK、TCK水平高于本科、硕士学位青年教师。结论应贯穿青年教师教学成长全周期设计TPACK能力培养体系,构建教学实践共同体并完善制度保障。 Objective To investigate the current status of the technological pedagogical content knowledge(TPACK)levels of youth teachers in a military medical university,and to provide a practical basis for improving youth teachers'ability to teach with technologies.Methods Youth teachers(with less than 3 years of teaching experience)in a military medical university were selected by convenience sampling for a survey on TPACK abilities using a modified TPACK questionnaire.The questionnaire was distributed through the internet,and 119 valid responses were returned.SPSS 20.0 software was used to perform the independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance.Results The youth teachers scored highest in technological knowledge[TK;(3.68±0.74)]and lowest in TPACK(3.17±0.74).There were no significant differences in TPACK abilities between youth teachers in different majors.Youth teachers of different educational attainments showed significant differences in the levels of technological knowledge(TK;F=12.99,P<0.001),content knowledge(CK;F=13.64,P<0.001),technological pedagogical knowledge(TPK;F=4.38,P=0.015),technological content knowledge(TCK;F=3.83,P=0.025),and TPACK(F=3.63,P=0.029)—the TK,CK,TPK,and TCK levels of teachers with doctoral degrees were significantly higher than those with bachelor's and master's degrees.Conclusions Efforts should be made to design a TPACK ability development system throughout the growth cycle of youth teachers,build teaching practice communities,and improve the system guarantees.
作者 向春燕 张思晗 任芷若 王冰新 韦敏 李懿 邬晓薇 Xiang Chunyan;Zhang Sihan;Ren Zhiruo;Wang Bingxin;Wei Min;Li Yi;Wu Xiaowei(Vocational Education Center,Army Medical University,Chongqing 400038,China)
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2024年第4期527-532,共6页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
基金 重庆市高等教育教学改革研究重点项目资助(212163)。
关键词 医学院校 青年教师 信息化教学能力 TPACK Medical College young teachers informatization teaching ability TPACK
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