

A Brief Analysis of the Establishment of the Relationship Theory of Parallel Prose and Prose and the Opposition and Integration of their Grammar Theory in Song and Yuan Dynasties
摘要 宋前反骈言论络绎而出,但并非属意于文体是否骈、散的问题。至宋元,论者明确将骈、散并举,骈、散关系论自此确立;同时,又深入辨析骈散文法异同,使二者呈对垒相埒之势,而分歧点和相参处并非拘泥于文体,而大多指向文法。宋元时期体法双彰、骈散兼备,其骈、散文法互化,是古文运动、文体改革的必然结果,是破体为文的成功实践。显而易见,骈、散在文体上各自独立,在文法上互相渗透,在文风上相得益彰。由宋元始,骈文和散文作为文章体派的双子星座,在其文法特征融汇或分明下,构成了中国古代文体创变的重要内容。不管是从史论发展的视角还是文论生成的过程来看,骈、散论是宋元文体论从未缺席的素材,也是历代体法之争在文章学领域的投影。 Before the Song Dynasty,the theory against parallel prose streamed out,but not intended to the style of parallel prose and prose problem.To the Song and Yuan dynasties,the theorists clearly established the theory of the relation of parallel prose and prose,and at the same time,they deeply analyzed the similarities and differences of the grammar of parallel prose and prose,so that the two are opposite to each other,while the differences and similarities are not rigidly confined to style,but mostly point to grammar.In the Song and Yuan dynasties,the grammar of parallel prose and prose was the inevitable result of the ancient prose movement and the stylistic reform,and the successful practice of breaking the style into the prose.Obviously,parallel prose and prose are independent in style,but permeate each other in grammar,and complement each other in style.From the beginning of Song and Yuan dynasties,parallel prose and prose,as Gemini of the style of the article,formed an important content of the creation of ancient Chinese style under the fusion or clarity of its grammatical characteristics.Whether from the perspective of the development of historical theory or the process of the generation of literary theory,the theory of parallel prose and prose is the material that the literary theory of Song and Yuan dynasties has never been absent,and it is also the projection of the struggle of the past dynasties in the field of article study.
作者 谢文惠 XIE Wen-hui(School of Chinese Classics,Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou Gunagdong,510006)
出处 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期100-105,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“历代赋论整理研究”(19ZD249) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“中国古代散文文法理论研究”(23YJC751035)。
关键词 宋元 骈散 文法论 对垒 相埒 Song and Yuan Dynasties parallel prose and prose grammar theory opposition integration
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