

Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Global Squid Fishing in 2020
摘要 了解全球鱿钓捕捞的时空特征可为鱿鱼资源的评估与管理提供参考。本文选取2020年全球鱿钓船AIS轨迹数据与VIIRS夜间灯光影像,以FAO major Fishing Areas的19个海洋主要捕鱼区为捕捞分区依据,结合GIS空间分析方法开展了全球鱿钓捕捞的时空特征分析。结果表明:(1)鱿钓捕捞主要分布在西南大西洋阿根廷专属经济区周边、西北太平洋日本东北部远海、东南太平洋秘鲁西部远海、西北印度洋阿拉伯海以及中西太平洋阿拉弗拉海,集中在中、低纬度离陆地100 km以内和400~700 km范围内,呈现以条带式为主的分布模式;(2)全球鱿钓捕捞的时间规律表现出“两峰两谷”的变化态势,分别于1—4月、6—8月呈上升趋势,而在4—6月、8—12月呈下降趋势。中纬度的鱿钓捕捞于夏秋呈上升趋势,而在冬春呈下降趋势;低纬度的鱿钓捕捞在秋冬季节呈增加态势,而在春季呈减少态势;(3)鱿钓捕捞的时空特征受洋流、鱿鱼繁殖特性及各国远洋鱿钓政策影响,其空间分布走向与主要洋流流向一致,捕捞强度在鱿鱼产卵高峰期、休渔期时减弱;(4)AIS轨迹密度与夜间灯光亮度在鱿钓捕捞信号上有良好的时空相关性,AIS轨迹密度与夜间灯光亮度的空间相关性越大,则时间变化规律也越相似。研究工作证明了夜间灯光遥感具备良好的鱿钓捕捞度量能力,能与船舶轨迹互补,实现高精度的鱿钓捕捞评估。 Understanding the spatial and temporal characteristics of the global squid fishery can positively guide the assessment and management of squid resources.In this paper,the 19 major marine fishing areas from FAO major Fishing Areas are selected as the study area,and the spatial and temporal characterization of global squid fishing is analyzed based on the 2020 global squid fishing vessel AIS trajectory data and VIIRS nighttime light imagery with the GIS spatial analysis approaches.The results show that:(1)Squid fishing is mainly distributed around the Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ)in the south-west Atlantic Ocean,the offshore of northeastern Japan in the north-west Pacific Ocean,the offshore of western Peru in the South-east Pacific Ocean,the Arabian Sea in the north-west Indian Ocean,and the Arafura Sea in the west and central Pacific Ocean,which are mainly concentrated in the mid-and low-latitudes within 100 km and 400~700 km offshore,and show a striporiented distribution pattern;(2)The temporal rhythm of global squid fishing shows a"two peaks and two valleys"trend,with an upward trend in January-April and June-August,and a downward trend in April-June and August-December.Specifically,squid fishing at mid-latitudes shows an increasing trend during the summer and autumn and a decreasing trend during the winter and spring,while squid fishing at low latitudes shows an increasing trend during the fall and winter and a decreasing trend during the spring;(3)The spatial and temporal characteristics of squid fishing are affected by ocean currents,squid reproduction characteristics,and the policies of various countries on pelagic squid fishing.The direction of its spatial distribution is consistent with the main ocean currents,and the fishing intensity apparently decreases during the squid spawning peak season and the fishing moratorium period;(4)The AIS track density and nighttime light intensity are well correlated spatially and temporally with squid fishing signals.The greater their spatial correlation,the more similar the temporal patterns of variation exhibited.This study further demonstrates the capability of nighttime light data to provide a good squid fishing metric,which can be complemented with vessel trajectories to achieve highly accurate squid fishing assessments.
作者 刘广源 吴志峰 吴波 郑子豪 曹峥 LIU Guangyuan;WU Zhifeng;WU Bo;ZHENG Zihao;CAO Zheng(School of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;MNR Key Laboratory for Geo-Environmental Monitoring of Great Bay Area,Shenzhen 518060,China;School of Geography and Tourism,Huizhou University,Huizhou 516000,China)
出处 《地球信息科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1110-1122,共13页 Journal of Geo-information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金重点项目(U1901219) 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目(2023A1515011341)。
关键词 鱿钓捕捞 全球 联合国粮食及农业组织划分的19个主要海洋捕鱼区 AIS轨迹 夜间灯光 时空特征 鱿钓影响因素 时空相关 squid fishing global The 19 major marine fishing areas divided by FAO AIS trajectory nighttime light spatiotemporal characteristics squid fishing impact factors spatiotemporal correlations
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