

Reflection and Exploration on the Construction of Undergraduate Major of Aviation Service Art and Management in China from the Perspective of Comparative Analysis
摘要 “航空服务艺术与管理”是教育部2019年新增设的本科专业,专业建设尚处于起步探索阶段,而专业的建设水平关系到人才培养的质量,关系到能否为中国民航业的高质量发展提供人才支撑。基于比较分析的视角,以国内外38所开设航管专业的高校为研究对象,从两个阶段梳理了航空服务艺术与管理本科专业的发展历程,指出航管本科专业由于本科专业类教学质量国家标准的缺位导致航管本科在培养目标、课程体系、教师队伍建设等方面存在问题。鉴于此,提出以下几点建议:(1)呼吁教育部尽快出台适用于航管专业的本科专业类教学质量国家标准;(2)主张按照“有增有减”的调整原则增减学科基础课程,持续加强课程的“两性一度”建设;(3)提倡学校教师与企业教师、高学历教师与业界优秀管理人才共建教师团队;(4)指出校企双方合作办学可从教学团队搭建、实践基地建设、航管专业委员会的设立三个方面出发向更深层次的合作迈进。 Aviation service art and management is a newly added undergraduate major of the Ministry of Education in 2019 which is still in the initial exploration stage.However,the major construction level is related to the quality of talent training and whether it can provide talent support for the high-quality development of China's civil aviation industry.Based on comparative analysis,this paper takes 38 colleges and universities with aviation management major as research objects,reviews the development process of aviation service art and management from two stages,and points out that the lack of national teaching quality standards leads to problems in training objectives,curriculum system and teacher team construction of aviation management.In view of this,this paper puts forward the following suggestions:(1)Appeal to the Ministry of Education to issue the national standards of undergraduate teaching quality suitable for aviation management as soon as possible;(2)According to the adjustment principle of‘increasing and decreasing’,we should adjust the basic courses of subjects,and continuously strengthen the construction of innovation,advanced and challenging degree of courses;(3)Advocate that school teachers,enterprise teachers,teachers with high academic qualifications and excellent management talents in the industry build a teacher team together;(4)Point out that school-enterprise cooperation can advance to deeper cooperation from three aspects:teaching team building,practice base building and establishment of aviation management committee.
作者 马天 滕华琳 孙雪源 于杨 MA Tian;TENG Hualin;SUN Xueyuan;YU Yang(School of Economics and Management,Dalian Minzu University,Dalian Liaoning 116650,China;Center of Vocational Education,Naval Aeronautical University,Yantai Shandong 264000,China;Beijing Guanghuijintong Education and Technology Co.Ltd,Beijing 101399,China)
出处 《大连民族大学学报》 CAS 2024年第3期267-272,共6页 Journal of Dalian Minzu University
基金 大连民族大学本科教育教学改革研究与实践项目“校企合作背景下航管专业建设和人才培养问题研究”(YB2023006) “共同富裕视域下课程思政教学改革探索”(YB2023084)阶段性成果。
关键词 航空服务艺术与管理 人才培养 专业建设 空乘 aviation service art and management talent training major construction flight attendant
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