

Tao to the Arctic World--A Study of the Earliest Icelandic Version of Laozi
摘要 不同于海上丝绸之路背景下欧陆国家对中国道家哲学经典的接受线索,冰岛文老学首译珍稀文本的出现提供了从“北极”反向透射中国哲学思想精华西传的崭新视角,对重估以往东学西渐主流语种的思想史书写范式、革新海外中国哲学研究的方法论基础,具有特殊的学术价值与理论启示。冰岛文首译并非基于任何中文底本,而是显示出与穆勒丹麦文老学诠释进路的密切关联性,继而透射出欧陆道家哲学研究传统的历史渊源及其从南往北辐射的整体发展规律,呈现出“海上丝路”与“冰上丝路”两条发展脉络交汇中道家哲学传译成果的辉映。冰岛老学译本及其光启神学视野下“以庄释老”与“以神附道”相结合的诠释路径,既基于早期法国耶稣会索隐派的研究传统,又开拓出中国道学智慧与北欧路德新教信仰对话视野下的传译模式,在具体的术语、语义、命题、预设、结构等环环相扣层面透射出“道神合汇”的精神特质,从而对探索“冰上丝路”冷门语种视野下中国哲学传播新型理论及其系统化资源整理,提供了崭新学术视野。 As distinct with the reception of Chinese classics of Taoist philosophy in the Maritime Silk Road,the emergence of the earliest Icelandic version of Laozi provided a new point of view for re-evaluating the communication history of Chinese philosophy in the Western societies.This Icelandic approach had significant theoretical values for rethinking the traditional writing paradigm and methodology in the study of the"Eastern learning spreading Westward".Based on a systematic analysis of the original Icelandic texts,this study argues that the earliest Icelandic version of Laozi was not translated from any Chinese editions,but it demonstrated a tight connection with the Danish approach to the Taoist values which could be traced further to the interpretative tradition of Taoism in Continental Europe.This phenomenon exposed a clue of the general development of Taoism from the southern to the northern areas of Europe,reflecting the developing results of Taoism in the interaction of the Maritime and Polar Silk Road.The Icelandic version of Laozi offered a new approach of Lutheran theology in combining the methods of"interpreting Laozi by Zhuangzi"and"interpreting Tao by theology",which highlighted the inner logic of"Logos-Tao synthesis".The Icelandic translation of the Taoist classics explored a new mode for the systematic study of Chinese Taoist wisdom and the Northern Luthern theology,thus opening a new horizon for promoting the study of Chinese philosophy on the Polar Silk Road.
作者 高源 Gao Yuan
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期185-194,246,247,共12页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家科技部国家外国专家团队项目“冰上丝绸之路”(DL2022134001L) 芬兰科学院国家重大项目“The Impact of Religious Values on Chinese Social Life”(FIN-314707) 上海交通大学文科创新团队项目“北欧哲学与文化传播”(WKCX029)。
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