
基于共轭梯度法的晶闸管电热耦合模型快速求解方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Rapid Solution Method for Thyristor Electro-thermal Coupling Model Based on Conjugate Gradient Method
摘要 为解决传统求解技术在处理效率和计算成本上的局限问题,针对晶闸管电热应力耦合交互模型,提出一种基于共轭梯度法的高效解析方法。通过优化迭代过程和收敛条件来显著提升求解效率和精度。新的参数选择策略被引入以自动调整算法迭代步长,加快收敛速度,减少计算资源消耗。相比传统求解方法,所提优化方法在求解时间上平均减少10%,求解精度提高8%。这一进展证明自适应共轭梯度法在电热应力耦合模型快速求解中的有效性,可为电力电子设备热管理提供高效、可靠的计算工具。所提方法在多种测试条件下均表现出显著的提升效率和良好的精确度,为晶闸管电热耦合模型的高效求解提供了创新方案,同时对电力电子领域的相关研究具有重要的实践意义。 A rapid solution method for the thyristor electro-thermal coupling model based on the conjugate gradient method is developed to address the limitations of traditional solution techniques in terms of processing efficiency and computational cost.By optimizing the iteration process and convergence criteria,the solution efficiency and accuracy are significantly improved.A novel parameter selection strategy is introduced to automatically adjust the algorithm’s iteration step size,thus accelerating the convergence speed and reducing the computational resource consumption.Compared with the traditional solution methods,the optimization approach achieves an average reduction of 10%in solution time and an 8%increase in solution accuracy.This progress demonstrates the effectiveness of the adaptive conjugate gradient method in the rapid solution of electro-thermal coupling models,providing an efficient and reliable computational tool for the thermal management of power electronic devices.The proposed method exhibits significant efficiency improvement and good accuracy under various test conditions,offering an innovative solution for efficiently solving the thyristor electro-thermal coupling models.This method is also of practical significance for related research in the field of power electronics.
作者 刘隆晨 李龙蛟 彭东 禹佳 杨玥坪 喻悦箫 LIU Longchen;LI Longjiao;PENG Dong;YU Jia;YANG Yueping;YU Yuexiao(Electric Power Research Institute,State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company,Chengdu 610041,China;Equipment Management Department,State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company,Chengdu 610000,China;Power Internet of Things Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《电源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期54-61,共8页 Journal of Power Supply
基金 国网四川省电力公司科技项目(52199723000B) 四川省自然科学基金资助项目(2023NSFSC0818)。
关键词 直流输电系统 晶闸管 电热耦合 共轭梯度法 优化求解 DC transmission system thyristor electro-ther mal coupling conjugate gradient method optimization solution
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