
每日工作重塑和恢复体验与次日职业倦怠的关系:个人资源和工作资源的中介作用 被引量:2

Daily Job Crafting,Recovery Experience,and Next Day Burnout:The Mediating Role of Personal Resource and Job Resource
摘要 在日常工作中,员工会采用不同策略应对压力,这些策略会对职业倦怠产生不同的影响。基于工作要求-资源模型,关注每日工作重塑、恢复体验和员工次日职业倦怠的关系以及个人资源和工作资源的中介作用。以112名全职员工为研究对象,开展连续10个工作日的日记法研究。结果表明:每日工作重塑通过个人资源和工作资源与次日的职业倦怠负相关;员工每日恢复体验通过个人资源与次日的职业倦怠负相关。结果验证了职业倦怠的状态理论,对于未来每天的职业倦怠应对研究具有积极的意义。 Burnout is an essential topic in the workplace,which not only affects employees’performance but also makes them more susceptible to a variety of health problems.In general,burnout has both stable tendency and daily fluctuations.An important factor influencing burnout in daily work life is employees’coping strategies.Employees use a variety of approaches to cope with burnout,including mitigating the effects of job stressors,making direct changes to job characteristics through job crafting,and creating boundaries between work and non-work domains to reduce conflict between the work and home domains.This study investigates how different daily coping strategies,particularly recovery and job crafting,are related to daily burnout levels based on the Job Demands-Resources model.Further,personal resource and job resource are also included as mediators.We utilized a daily diary design to test hypotheses.Participants were recruited from social networks such as WeChat and microblogs,and 120 full-time employees volunteered to fill out questionnaires for ten consecutive business days.Specifically,all participants reported job crafting after work on day N,recovery experience in the morning on day N+1,personal and work resources at noon on day N+1,and burnout after work on day N+1.After data cleaning,112 valid participants and 902 valid questionnaires were remained.The results indicated that:(1)Employees’daily job crafting is negatively related to next-day burnout via job resource and personal resource;(2)Employees’daily recovery experience is negatively related to next-day burnout;(3)Employees’daily recovery experience is negatively related to next-day burnout via personal resource.From the theoretical perspective,our study supports the State Theory of Burnout.That is,burnout not only has a long-term stable component but,at the same time,has some fluctuations in daily levels.Meanwhile,this study demonstrates that employees’everyday recovery experiences and job crafting,as two crucial adaptive coping strategies,have positive implications for mitigating daily burnout.Future research can explore other factors that are related to burnout and how daily burnout can affect other aspects of employees’lives.This study also has some practical implications.Burnout has significant detrimental effects on individuals,affecting employees’psychological and physical health as well as job performance,and predicting more absenteeism.Our study suggests that both job crafting and recovery experiences enable employees to cope better with burnout.Organizations can help employees cope better with burnout by creating an environment conducive to recovery experiences and job crafting.This study also has some limitations.First,the study data were all obtained from employees'self-reports.The problem of common method variance is inevitable in data analysis.Future data collection could use multiple sources of data collection.Second,only two strategies,job crafting and recovery experience,were considered in this study.In real life,employees may use more affluent strategies to cope with burnout,such as selection,optimization with compensation and spillover.Future research could explore the role of other coping strategies and the interaction among them.
作者 张晓龙 笪姝 高春荣 张西超 Zhang Xiaolong;Da Shu;Gao Chunrong;Zhang Xichao(Faculty of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing100875;School of Psychology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing211097;Department of Neurology,Shanxian Central Hospital,Heze274300)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期648-656,共9页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 职业倦怠 工作重塑 恢复体验 个人资源 工作资源 burnout job crafting recovery experience personal resource job resource
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