

Research on Ecological Safeguarding Strategy of China's Construction a Major World Center of Talent and Innovation
摘要 把我国建设成为世界重要人才中心和创新高地,是新时代人才强国最具标志性的目标要求,要达到这一目标,人才生态保障战略尤其具有基础性、长久性、全面性意义。构建人才生态保障战略需要基于全新的理论逻辑、战略时空与正确可行的实现路径。本文借鉴生态学有关理论,探索运用战略管理和全球人才管理的研究视角,从培育创新导向的人才生态出发,比较深入系统地研究了我国如何才能成为新的世界人才中心(同时即是创新高地)的重大问题。通过跨学科的理论内涵接合和再建构、从世界人才中心变迁更替的史实中得到启示借鉴,结合国情实际,研究提出了全景的、动态的、益于科技自立自强的我国人才生态“景观”,重点研究了如何真正实现战略目标的具体路径。从人才使用生态看,培育更好发挥战略力量人才牵引作用的创新性生态,尊崇用好“钱学森式”战略人才;从人才培育生态看,打造真正重视基础研究人才的长久性生态,养成乃至涌现更多“陈景润式”科学家;从人才社会生态看,形成因类施策让更多人才活力竞相迸发的全域性生态,营造“人人争当科学家“”识才爱才敬才”的全社会环境氛围。 The strategic safeguarding of talent ecology is the fundamental,long-term,and comprehensive strategy for speeding up China's upgrade toward a major world center of talent and innovation.The nexus of talent and innovation lies within the ecosystem.China's objective in establishing an “ecosystem for talent” primarily involves fostering an innovation-oriented environment that relieve the stranglehold some countries have tightened on China's development,fundamentally ensuring the country's achievement the goal of self-reliance in science and technology.Constructing the strategic safeguarding of talent ecology requires a fresh theoretical framework,a strategic spatio-temporal perspectives,and a correct and feasible implementation path.This paper draws from ecological theories,explores novel research perspectives in strategic management and global talent management,fully leveraging the community effects of talent ecosystems(the optimization effects of heterogeneous complementarity within ecosystems,the ascending effects of resolving ecological niche conflicts,and the tension effects of fair competition within talent ecosystems).It deeply and systematically investigates how China can become a major world center of talent(simultaneously an innovation highland).By integrating interdisciplinary theoretical content and referencing the experiences of other countries with global talent center,the research proposes a ecological goal with panoramic,dynamic,and beneficial to self-reliance in science and technology for talents of China,focusing on specific approaches for achieving this flagship goal of developing a quality workforce in the new era.Based on summarizing the demands and characteristics of various talent ecology strategic safeguards,this study suggests that talents' knowledge,skills,and values,embedded in the production,restructuring,and application within the technological,innovation,and industrial chains,are influenced by interactions among various ecological subsystems and stakeholders at different levels.Thus,constructing the strategic safeguarding of talent ecology should follow the principle of “targeted measures based on class”,and realize the mechanism of various system ecological factors supporting the innovation vitality of various talents.Specifically,regarding talent utilization ecology,it aims to cultivate an innovative environment that better harnesses talents as strategic forces.This involves designing measures for talent reuse and reward systems,including new system for mobilizing resources nationwide and open competition mechanism to select the best candidates to undertake key research projects,to more areas,emphasizing the effective utilization of “Qian Xuesen-style” strategic talents.From the perspective of talent cultivation ecology,it seeks to establish a lasting ecosystem that genuinely values talents engaged in fundamental research,ensuring a sustainable ecosystem for those committed to basic research endeavors.Additionally,through honors and material rewards,it aims to support and guide basic research talents to engage autonomously and willingly in scientific research,aspiring to persistently tackle scientific challenges and fostering more “Chen Jingrun-style” scientists.Considering the talent ecology across society,the paper aims to construct a comprehensive ecosystem that stimulates talents' vitality through tailored policies,fostering a societal atmosphere where “everyone strives to be a scientist” can thrive.
作者 周文斌 ZHOU Wen-bin(Institute of Industrial Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Science,Beijing,100006,China)
出处 《经济管理》 北大核心 2024年第4期29-48,共20页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“以建设世界重要人才中心为目标的新时代人才强国战略研究”(22ZDA038)。
关键词 战略管理 人才生态 生态保障战略 全球人才管理 世界人才中心 strategic management talent ecosystem ecology safeguarding strategy global talent management major world center of talent and Innovation
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