
本科层次职业教育的生态适应及其优化策略 被引量:1

Ecological Adaptation and Optimization Strategies of Vocational Education at the Undergraduate Level
摘要 增强本科层次职业教育的适应性,是构建适应新发展格局的现代职业教育体系的前提和基础。基于生态学理论对本科层次职业教育适应性进行分析发现,其规模效应不足,竞争优势不明显,关联效应较为分化,存在发展主体缺位、发展目标移位和发展资源不足等问题。为此,应从生态位与生态链接两个层面入手提升本科职业教育的生态适应性。一方面,科学论证培养目标,促使职业本科人才培养的生态位分离;加强师资队伍建设,推动办学质量的生态位跃迁;重塑数字化生态,推动职业本科的生态位迭代。另一方面,加强跨学科专业群建设,提升专业生态关联;加快职普融通,提升职教体系的生态关联;加强物质、信息、能量的流动,提升职业教育的产教关联。 Enhancing the adaptability of vocational education at the undergraduate level is the premise and foundation for building a modern vocational education system that adapts to the new development pattern.Based on the ecological theory,the adaptability analysis of undergraduate vocational education shows that the scale effect is insufficient,the competitive advantage is not obvious,the correlation effect is relatively differentiated,and there are some problems,such as the lack of development subjects,the displacement of development goals and the lack of development resources.At present,some measures should be taken from ecological niche and ecological linkage levels.On the one hand,scientifically demonstrate the training goal and promote the ecological niche separation of vocational undergraduate talent training;strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and promote the ecological niche leap in the quality of running schools;reshape the digital ecology and promote the ecological niche iteration of vocational undergraduates.on the other hand,strengthen the construction of interdisciplinary professional groups and enhance the ecological relationship of majors;accelerate the integration of vocational education and improve the ecological connection of vocational education system;strengthen the flow of material,information and energy,and enhance the relationship between industry and education in vocational education.
作者 杨蕾 杜玉帆 Yang Lei;Du Yufan(Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University,Guangzhou 510665;Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce,Guangzhou 510550)
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2024年第13期40-46,共7页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 国家社科基金教育学重点项目“职业学校与应用型本科产教融合评价体系与监测研究”(AJA190013),主持人:黄崴 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“高等教育分类与转型研究”(22JJD880035),主持人:卢晓中 广东技术师范大学博士点建设单位科研能力提升项目“产教融合背景下职业教育‘双师型’教师专业发展的理论内涵与实践路径研究”(22GPNUZDJS07),主持人:柏晶 广东省教育科学规划(高等教育专项)课题“区域化发展视角下粤港澳大湾区职业教育适应性提升策略研究”(2023GXJK720),主持人:杜玉帆。
关键词 生态适应 本科层次职业教育 生态定位 生态链接 ecological adaptation vocational education at the undergraduate level ecological positioning ecological links
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