

On the Aesthetic Thought of Reception in “The Record of Music” from the Perspective of “Music Is an Expression of Happy Feelings”
摘要 《乐记》除审美功能外更多被赋予本体以外的特殊内涵。儒家将“乐”与人的心性、社会发展密切相连,赋予“乐”深刻的伦理道德内涵与社会教化功能,使其蕴涵了丰富的接受美学思想,并从文本、创作主体及读者之维提出了不同的审美要求与期待视野。作为音乐文本其形式应突显“和”与“简”的特性,其内容需符合“礼”与“仁”的道德标准。作为创作主体首先要“明道”,其次如“圣人”般具有至善至美的人格品质,人心和美才能创作出美妙的音乐;作为接受主体的读者应以“君子”为榜样,通过礼乐相济涵养性情,克制私欲,通达“乐者乐也”的精神审美之境,继而推己及人,实现对民众教化的目的,人心美善社会自然安定和谐,这也是《乐记》接受美学思想之根本所在。 In addition to its aesthetic function,“The Record of Music” is endowed with special connotations beyond its essence.Confucianism closely connects “music” with human nature and social development,endowing it with profound ethical and moral connotations and social educational functions,which embodies rich aesthetic ideas of reception.It also puts forward different aesthetic requirements and expectations from the perspectives of text,creative subjects and readers.As a musical text,its form should highlight the characteristics of “harmony” and “simplicity”,and its content should comply with the moral standards of “propriety” and “benevolence”.As a creative subject,one must first “understand the Tao”,and then possess the perfect and beautiful personality qualities like “sages”.Only with the harmony of human heart and beauty can one create wonderful music.As the subject of acceptance,readers should take the “gentleman” as an example,cultivate their temperament through the combination of etiquette and music,restrain their selfish desires,and reach the spiritual aesthetic realm of “music is an expression of happy feelings”.Then,they should promote themselves and others,achieve the goal of educating the people,and achieve the beauty of the people,natural stability and harmony of society.This is also the fundamental basis for the acceptance of aesthetic ideas in “The Record of Music”.
作者 杨阳 YANG Yang(Zhengzhou Business University,Gongyi Henan 451200,China)
机构地区 郑州商学院
出处 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第11期196-198,共3页 Journal of Hubei Open Vocational College
基金 河南省社会科学规划项目“商代甲骨文与中国早期身体审美观研究”阶段性成果(项目编号:2021CZX020)。
关键词 《乐记》 乐者乐也 接受美学 审美期待 "The Record of Music" music is an expression of happy feelings reception aesthetics aesthetic expectations
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