

The Internal Relationship between Science and Technology & Law in the Perspective of Dialectical-Materialistic View of History: Systematic Analysis and Defense from Engels' Texts
摘要 恩格斯在资本主义大工业时代处境下,针对科学技术与法在现实生产和生活中的实际应用,分析科技和法的异化以及利益冲突、犯罪等现象产生的原因。他并未停留在工人阶级和英国法治状况表层的描述上,而是深入工业革命的历史进程中,洞悉科技与法之间的交互作用,揭示出资产阶级法律的本质;在明确强调科技对法律生产和变革具有决定作用的同时,肯定法对科技促进或阻碍的反作用,从而在辩证-唯物史观下,把科学技术与法的关系看作经济基础和上层建筑相互作用的具象化,对科技与法的内在关系给予深刻阐述。因此,面对新一轮产业革命,以科技赋能推进法治建设,以法治保障助力科技进步,重释恩格斯上述思想对中国式现代化建设显得尤为重要。 In the era of capitalist big industry, Engels aimed at the practical application of science and technology & law in real production and life, analyzed the causes of the alienation of science and technology & law, conflict of interest, crime and other phenomena. He did not stay in the description of the working class and the British rule of law at the phenomenon level, but went deep into the historical process of the industrial revolution, thoroughly understood the interaction between science and technology & law, and revealed the essence of bourgeois law. While clearly emphasizing the decisive role of science and technology in the production and reform of law, he affirmed the counteractive of law on the promotion or hindrance of science and technology, so as to regard the relationship between science and technology & law as the concretization of the interaction between the economic foundation and the superstructure under the dialectical-materialistic view of history, and make a profound explanation of the internal relationship between science and technology & law. Therefore, in the face of the new round of industrial revolution, to promote the construction of the rule of law with science and technology, to support the progress of science and technology with the guarantee of the rule of law, the reinterpretation of Engels' above thoughts is particularly important for the Chinese-style modernization.
作者 张秀华 刘冬雪 ZHANG Xiu-hua;LIU Dong-xue(School of Marxism,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期95-101,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金重大规划项目“新时代科学精神与工匠精神融合及实践创新研究”(21ZDA019) 中国科协2022年度研究生科普能力提升项目“恩格斯科学技术与法的思想研究”(KXYJS2022051) 北京高校中国特色社会主义理论研究协同创新中心(中国政法大学)的阶段性成果。
关键词 恩格斯 科学技术 辩证法 唯物史观 Engels science and technology law dialectics historical view of materialism
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