The academic community generally believes that the compound-complex sentence“一会儿p,一会儿q”has two semantic types,i.e.succession and alternation.However,in some cases,the semantics of“一会儿p,一会儿q”is ambiguous,and the language decoder is hard to determine the time relationship between the clauses p and q,so it is difficult to judge whether the events represented by p and q occur successively or alternately.We believe that whether the semantics of“一会儿p,一会儿q”is ambiguous can be reflected by specific formal features such as“solidification”,“antithesis”,the modification of the predicate head of clauses p and q by the adverbs“you(又)”or“zai(再)”,as well as the context and the logical relationship between clauses p and q.For the language encoder,the generation of semantic ambiguity of“一会儿p,一会儿q”is closely related to the encoder's“recognition”process,among which the degree of detail,scope and prominence determine the language encoder's choice of corresponding formal features.
SHEN Kaiwen(Institute of Chinese Culture,Beijing Language and Culture University,Beijing 100083,China)
Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)