

Cooperation between China and Tunisia in Resisting COVID-19 Pandemic from the erspective of Global Development Initiative
摘要 “阿拉伯之春”和新冠肺炎疫情的叠加对突尼斯的经济与社会发展造成巨大冲击,打造卫生健康共同体和发展共同体成为中国与突尼斯抗疫合作的逻辑与目标。“全球发展倡议”对于战胜疫情和复苏经济做出了明晰的规划与部署,对于中国与突尼斯以南南合作为实质的抗疫合作形成了新的助力作用。中国对突尼斯的医疗援助已走过50余年历程。就中突抗疫合作的路径而言,中国一方面将常规援突医疗队的职能扩大到兼顾对突应急抗疫合作,并实现多批援突医疗队的正常轮换,做到了常规合作与应急合作的结合;另一方面基于疫苗多边主义,向突尼斯适时应急提供新冠疫苗。中突抗疫合作不仅对于突尼斯疫情缓解和疫苗接种率的提升起到了重要作用,提升了中突政治互信,而且也助力中突关系朝着更深广的领域发展,如数字经济、文化合作和绿色发展合作等。中突抗疫合作事实上促进了两国卫生健康共同体与发展共同体建设,并助力推进双边关系取得更大发展。 The combined effects of the"Arab Spring"and COVID-19 have had a significant impact on Tunisia's economic and social development.As a result,building a community of shared health and development has become the goal of Sino-Tunisian cooperation in combating the pandemic.On this very note,the Global Development Initiative provides clear plans and guidance for beating COVID-19 and recovering the economy,which has played a supportive role in Sino-Tunisian cooperation based on South-South cooperation.China's medical aid to Tunisia has been ongoing for more than 50 years.To further strengthen cooperation between China and Tunisia in fighting the epidemic,China has expanded the functions of its conventional medical teams assisting Tunisia to enable emergency cooperation in combating the pandemic.Additionally,multiple batches of medical teams assisting Tunisia have achieved normal rotation,combining conventional with emergency cooperation.On the other hand,in line with"vaccine multilateralism",China has provided Tunisia with emergency COVID-19 vaccines at an opportune moment.The cooperation between China and Tunisia in combating the pandemic has not only played a pivotal role in easing the COVID-19 situation in Tunisia and elevating local vaccination rates,but also strengthened political mutual trust between both nations.Furthermore,this cooperation has paved the way for the development of China-Tunisia relations in diverse and expansive domains,such as digital economy cooperation,cultural exchange,and green growth initiatives.In essence,the joint efforts of China and Tunisia in resisting COVID-19 have facilitated the establishment of a community of shared health and development between the two countries,thereby propelling bilateral relations towards greater progress.
作者 钮松 NIU Song;Kouki Marie(Shanghai International Studies University;School of International Relations and Public Affairs&Middle East Studies Institute,Shanghai International Studies University)
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期3-23,157,共22页 Arab World Studies
基金 2022年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大培育项目A类“百年变局下的中国与中东国家共建‘一带一路’实践新发展研究”(2022JDPA002)的阶段性成果。
关键词 中国 突尼斯 抗疫合作 全球发展倡议 南南合作 China Tunisia A nti-pandemic Cooperation Global Development Initiative South-South Cooperation
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