
推动教育教学高质量发展 培养新时代中医药人才

Promoting high-quality development of education and teaching to cultivate tradtional Chinese medicine talents in the new era
摘要 教育在一个国家的长远发展中扮演着至关重要的角色,尤其对于高等教育而言,更应面向世界、展望未来。当前,从满足服务人类全生命周期健康的需求出发,中医药教育被赋予了更为重要的地位和意义,也正面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。针对中医药教育的特点和国内外形势,提出应对新时代中医药人才培养的改革策略:坚持立德树人的原则,为党和国家培育出既有高尚品德又有卓越才华的人才;全面实施“五育并举”的教育方针,确保学生在德、智、体、美、劳各方面得到充分发展;聚焦于教育理念、培养方案、课程设置、实践教学和师资力量等核心领域进行改革,全面提升中医药人才的自主培养能力;为中医药振兴发展与中华民族伟大复兴提供坚实人才支撑。 Education plays a crucial role in the long-term development of a country,especially for higher education,which should be globally oriented and future-looking.Currently,given the need to satisfy the health demands of the entire human life cycle,traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)education has been endowed with greater significance and is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.In response to the characteristics of TCM education and the domestic and international situations,this paper proposes reform strategies for the cultivation of TCM talents in the new era:adhering to the principle of moral education to cultivate talents with both noble character and outstanding abilities for the Party and the nation;implementing a comprehensive educational policy of“promoting five educations simultaneously”to ensure that students are fully developed in morals,intelligence,physical fitness,aesthetics,and labor;focusing on reforms in core areas such as educational philosophy,training programs,curriculum development,practical teaching,and faculty strength to enhance the autonomous training capabilities of TCM talents;and provide solid talent support for the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 王瑶琪 WANG Yaoqi(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102488)
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《中医教育》 2024年第3期1-7,共7页 Education of Chinese Medicine
关键词 中医药教育 立德树人 人才培养 挑战和机遇 改革应对 traditional Chinese medicine education moral education comprehensive education
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