

The Evolution of the Value Orientation of the People’s Nature in ChinesePath to Modernization:Process,Characteristics and Enlightenment
摘要 人民性是中国现代化建设的鲜明价值底色。新民主主义革命时期,现代化建设在战争炮火中艰难起步,带有突出的革命指向,国家独立、人民解放与现代化建设紧密相连。社会主义革命和建设时期,现代化建设的中心目标是实现“四个现代化”,人民性价值取向寓于“大小仁政”的辩证统一之中。改革开放之后,党和国家对现代化的理解更加深刻全面,“小康”作为人民性价值取向的独特诠释,贯穿于“中国式的现代化”的全过程和各方面。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,中国式现代化锚定人民群众多样化需求,旨在实现全体人民自由全面发展。在此过程中,人民性价值取向呈现出整体逻辑从被动效仿向主动创新转变,价值旨归从基础权益向美好生活转变,价值践行从隐性自在向显性自觉转变,这些对于进一步推进和拓展中国式现代化具有重要的启示意义。 The people’s nature is the eternal value background of Chinese path to modernization.During the period of the new democratic revolution,the modernization construction started with difficulty in the cannon of war,with a clear revolutionary orientation,and national independence,people’s liberation and modernization were closely linked.During the period of socialist revolution and construction,the central goal of modernization is to achieve“four modernizations”,and the value orientation of the people’s nature was embedded in the dialectical unity of“big and small benevolent policies”.After the reform and opening up,the Party and the country have a more profound and comprehensive understanding of modernization.“Well-off”as a unique interpretation of the the people’s nature,runs through the whole process and all aspects of“Chinese path to modernization”.In the new era,Chinese path to modernization has anchored the diverse needs of the people,aiming to achieve the free and comprehensive development of all people.In this process,the value orientation of the people’s nature has shown the transformation of the overall logic from passive imitation to active innovation,the transformation of the value orientation from basic rights and interests to a better life,and the transformation of value practice from implicit freedom to explicit consciousness,which has important enlightenment significance for further promoting and expanding Chinese-style modernization.
作者 杨永浦 周坤 YANG Yongpu;ZHOU Kun(School of Marxism,Shanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,China)
出处 《甘肃理论学刊》 2024年第3期1-9,共9页 Gansu Theory Research
基金 陕西省社会科学基金项目“生态文明视域下共同富裕基本问题研究”(2023A027) 陕西省社会科学基金项目“习近平总书记关于意识形态工作重要论述的原创性贡献研究”(2022A004)的阶段性成果。
关键词 现代化 人民性 中国共产党 价值取向 modernization the people’s nature the Communist Party of China value orientation
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