

From Human-machine Conflict to Human-machine Integration:The Remodeling of Human-machine Relationship in Manufacturing Enterprises from the Perspective of Knowledge Orchestration
摘要 随着“人+智能机器”的新组织形态逐渐成为制造型企业塑造未来发展新动能的关键,知识编排对人机关系重塑的作用愈发明显。如何有效构建和谐、高效的人机关系,实现机器从简单辅助工具到深度协同伙伴的角色转变,不仅关乎生产效率和企业竞争力的提升,更深层次影响社会经济结构、劳动力市场乃至伦理法律体系的演变。本文聚焦人机关系这一核心议题,选取新天钢钢铁集团有限公司开展探索性单案例分析,探讨人机冲突事件触发下制造型企业如何通过知识编排实现人机融合。研究发现:人机冲突的类型识别可以解构为组织维和行业维两个维度,共同触发企业参与人机关系重塑互动过程。知识编排在制造型企业人机关系重塑过程中发挥重要作用,不同阶段呈现出不同的知识编排机制:磨合阶段的知识编排机制表现为知识捕获和知识解码;互补阶段的知识编排机制表现为知识整合和知识嵌入;协同阶段的知识编排机制表现为知识重组和知识更新。智能经济时代,企业新型人机关系形态表现为人机融合,其“人机并重”双主体逻辑与现有人机关系研究“以人为主、机器为辅”单主体逻辑相比,在作用主体、知识结构、关键特征与路径模式等方面呈现出不同的特征。本文为重塑制造型企业人机关系提供了理论支持与实践指导。 In the traditional business environment,manufacturing enterprises practice the singlesubject development mode of"human-oriented and machine-assisted",and lack sufficient attention to human-machine interaction,which leads to a series of human-machine conflict events.In the era of intelligent economy,humans and machines cooperate in work,so that the organizational ecology presents a subversive change of human-machine symbiosis,which has become the key for manufacturing enterprises to shape the new momentum for future development.How to effectively build a harmonious and efficient human-machine relationship and realize the role transformation from a simple auxiliary tool to a deep collaborative partner is not only related to the improvement of production efficiency and enterprise competitiveness,but also has a deeper impact on the evolution of social economic structure,labor market and even the ethical and legal system.Knowledge orchestration provides a suitable theoretical perspective for the research topic of humanmachine relationship remodeling in manufacturing enterprises.Existing research shows that knowledge orchestration can effectively integrate and update human-machine heterogeneous knowledge modules,and promote human-machine knowledge sharing and deep coupling.Therefore,this paper focuses on the research question:"How can manufacturing enterprises achieve human-machine integration through knowledge orchestration under the trigger of human-machine conflict events?"This paper tries to solve three sub-problems:The type and dimension identification of human-machine conflict trigger events in manufacturing enterprises;②The dynamic process and mechanism of the transformation from humanmachine conflict to human-machine integration in manufacturing enterprises from the perspective of knowledge orchestration;Theoretical analysis of human-machine integration in manufacturing enterprises under the two-agent logic.In order to answer the above questions,this paper selects New Tianjin Steel Group to conduct an exploratory single case analysis,and conducts semi-structured interviews with middle and senior managers and employee representatives of the group and its subsidiaries.The research findings are as follows.Firstly,the type recognition of human-machine conflict can be deconstructed into two dimensions of organizational and industrial dimensions,which jointly trigger enterprises to participate in the interactive process of human-machine relationship remodeling.Secondly,there are different knowledge orchestration mechanisms in different stages of human-machine relationship remodeling.Knowledge orchestration mechanisms in running-in stage are represented by knowledge capture and knowledge decoding.The mechanism of knowledge orchestration at the complementary stage includes knowledge integration and knowledge embedding.The mechanism of knowledge orchestration at the cooperative stage is represented by knowledge reorganization and knowledge renewal.Thirdly,in the era of intelligent economy,the new form of human-machine relationship in enterprises is man-machine integration.Compared with existing research on human-machine relationship,the two-agent logic of"equal importance of human and machine"shows different performance characteristics.The management implications of this paper are as follows.First of all,enterprises should re-understand the key role of knowledge resources in the process of human-machine relationship remodeling,and choose different knowledge orchestration strategies to promote human-machine deep interaction according to their own development.Secondly,companies should reassess the role of people and machines in production,operations,and decision-making.Machines are no longer just auxiliary production tools,but participate in the intelligent transformation of enterprises together with people.Finally,this paper puts forward several policy suggestions,including strengthening the construction of digital innovation system,providing incentives such as tax incentives or subsidies,and selecting typical scenarios in different industries to pilot human-machine collaboration.
作者 许晖 王泽鹏 杨金东 XU Hui;WANG Ze-peng;YANG Jin-dong(Business School,Nankai University)
机构地区 南开大学商学院
出处 《中国工业经济》 北大核心 2024年第4期170-188,共19页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“数智驱动下高科技企业场景式解决方案研究:理论模型、构建机制及市场响应性”(批准号72272082) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国跨国企业复合式营销能力的理论模型与构建机制:基于从资源端到客户端的动态演化逻辑”(批准号71972110)。
关键词 人机融合 人机关系 知识编排 人机冲突 数字化转型 human-machine integration human-machine relationship knowledge orchestration human-machine conflict digital transformation
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