

Research on energy conversion mechanism of coil induction electromagnetic emission system
摘要 为了获得线圈感应型电磁发射系统能量转换机理,依据动量守恒定律,将非线性负反馈闭环系统在特定条件下转换为开环系统,从推力产生的原理出发,使用数值计算方法求解驱动线圈磁场分布数据,并通过多项式拟合和高斯拟合将分布数据拟合为磁场分布函数,再根据分布函数求解电枢轴向推力系数。磁场分布数据结果表明,最大轴向磁感应强度比最大径向磁感应强度大1.6倍,且最大轴向磁感应强度位置与最大径向磁感应强位置相差1/2个驱动线圈的长度,推力系数数据表明,绕组电枢系统电磁力系数比环柱电枢系统电磁力系数大20倍,通过进一步分析得到了驱动线圈磁场分布特性和推力与系统效率的关系,通过对3种系统的有限元仿真验证结论的有效性,给出了最大推力位置与最佳触发位置的基本关系,形成了驱动线圈和电枢结构设计的基本指导原则。 In order to obtain the energy conversion mechanism of the coil induced electromagnetic launch system,this paper,based on the law of momentum conservation,converts the nonlinear negative feedback closed-loop system into an open loop system under specific conditions.Starting from the principle of thrust generation,numerical calculation methods are used to solve the magnetic field distribution data of the driving coil,and the distribution data is fitted as a magnetic field distribution function through polynomial fitting and Gaussian fitting to calculate the axial thrust coefficient of the armature based on the distribution function.The results of magnetic field distribution data indicate that the maximum axial magnetic induction intensity is nearly twice greater than the maximum radial magnetic induction intensity,and the position of the maximum axial magnetic induction intensity differs by 1/2 of the length of the driving coil from the position of the maximum radial magnetic induction intensity.The thrust coefficient data shows that the electromagnetic force coefficient of the winding armature system is 10 times greater than that of the ring column armature system.Through further analysis,the magnetic field distribution characteristics of the driving coil and the relationship between thrust and system efficiency are obtained.Finally,the effectiveness of the conclusions was verified through finite element simulation of three systems,and the basic relationship between the maximum thrust position and the optimal triggering position was given,forming the basic guiding principles for the design of the drive coil and armature structure.
作者 刘俊杰 时建明 LIU Junjie;SHI Jianming(Air Defense and Antimissile School,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710051,China)
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期87-95,共9页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 电磁力 电磁发射系统 转换效率 永磁增强型 数值计算 有限元仿真 electromagnetic force electromagnetic propulsion system conversion efficiency permanent magnet enhanced type numerical calculation finite element simulation
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