

Report on the After-school Life Status of Children:Family Education
摘要 2023年3—6月,中国儿童中心联合首都师范大学中小学生校外教育研究院、北京大学中国社会科学调查中心在全国东、中、西部11省12市开展了中国儿童校外生活状况调查。基于抽样调查数据,围绕家庭教育的目标、手段、结果三个环节分析当前中国儿童家庭教育的基本状况与问题,展现各类家庭在家庭教育上的差异性。数据分析显示,我国家庭教育仍然具有高期待和密集投入的特征,呈现出明显的母亲主导和代际分工,普遍认可参与式、民主平等、友好的家庭教育方式。“双减”政策的实施,一定程度上减轻了家长辅导儿童作业的负担,推广了“五育并举”的家庭教育理念。但在普遍的高教育期望下,家庭对参与校外培训仍有一度热度,短期内家长的教育焦虑问题仍存在。报告建议,在充分发挥学校作为教育主阵地的作用的同时,应该引导家庭理性看待教育,提倡父母合理分工,提供多种渠道满足家庭对教育的需求,以形成健康的教育环境。 A survey on children’s after-school life status in the context of“double reduction”policy has been carried out in 12 cities of 11 provinces across China,a joint study organized by China National Children’s Center from March to June in 2023,together with the Institute of Extramural Education for Primary and Secondary School Students at Capital Normal University and the Institute of Social Science Survey at Peking University.Based on the sampling data,this report analyzes the current status and problems of China’s family education from three aspects of educational goal,method and outcome,and presents the differentiation of family education in all kinds of families.Results show that Chinese parents have a high educational expectation and tend tomake intensive investment in their children’s education.Mothers are still dominant in parenting and educating children,with different division of labor between generations.A democratic,friendly and equally participation of parents in family education is widely accepted.The“double reduction”policy somehow has relieved the burden on parents of tutoring their children and publicized the idea of all-around educations which includes moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetic and labor education.However,with high expectations for their children,parents still want their children to participate in after-school tutoring and their educational anxiety cannot be expelled.The report suggests that it is necessary to give school its position as the main educational playground for children,while lead parents to develop more realistic goals for their children.Other suggestions include reasonable labor division in families,and providing various channels to meet the diversified needs of families,so as to develop a healthy educational environment.
作者 张春泥 盛禾 孙妍 肖凤秋 ZHANG Chun-ni;SHENG He;SUN Yan;XIAO Feng-qiu(Department of Sociology at Peking University;Institute of Social Science Survey at Peking University;China National Children's Center)
出处 《中国校外教育》 2024年第3期5-37,共33页 AFTERSCHOOL EDUCATION IN CHINA
基金 教育部重大课题攻关项目“新中国成立以来社会调查发展进程、经验与展望研究”(项目编号:20JZD032) 国家社会科学基金2022年度教育学重点项目“‘双减’政策落实的过程监测和成效评价研究”(项目编号:AHA220020) 北京市社会科学基金项目“‘双减’背景下首都儿童青少年校外时间利用的模式、影响机制及干预研究”(项目编号:22JYC023) 中国教育学会2021年度教育科研一般委托课题“‘双减’背景下中国儿童校外生活状况及其成因分析研究”(课题编号:2021012903WT2)。
关键词 家庭教育 密集投入 校外培训 教育焦虑 Family Education Intensive Investment After-school Tutoring Educational Anxiety
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