

The Empathetic Network of the Present World:The Essence and Related Debates of Stephen Owen's Nonfictional Poetics
摘要 宇文所安提出“非虚构诗学”一说,认为中国诗歌的意蕴不可能脱离其字面传达出的现实情境感受。但学者常将之误解为依照字面死板解读。在宇文所安的界定下,“非虚构诗学”含有现世、实感双重意蕴,可以通过“兴”之“引譬连类”思维,用诗歌在现世的物、我、社会、宇宙,以及今、古之间建立共感网络,并影响现实。宇文所安等学者根据“非虚构诗学”的现世感性,反对讽寓解读《诗经》注疏。但他们过于注重主观感受,贬抑史学考据在诗歌解读中的重要性。中国传统“以史证诗”方法可以修正“非虚构诗学”的这一缺失。 Stephen Owen's theory of nonfictional poetics holds that the connotation of Chinese poetry cannot be separated from the real-life feelings conveyed by the literal sense,but scholars often misinterpret it literally.Under the definition of Owen,nonfictional poetics contains the dual connotation of the present world and real feeling.And through the mode of thinking of xing,poetry can be used to establish an empathetic network between the object,self,society and the universe in the present world,and between the present and the past,and even affect reality.According to the dual connotation of nonfictional poetics,scholars such as Stephen Owen oppose allegorical interpretation toward the commentaries on the Book of Songs.However,they paid too much attention to subjective feelings and belittled the importance of historical evidence in the interpretation of poetry.TThe traditional Chinese method of“interpreting poetry by history”can correct this deficiency of nonfictional poetics.
作者 史笑添 Shi Xiaotian
出处 《中国文化研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期27-38,共12页 Chinese Culture Research
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学国学专项重大课题“中国美感:古典资源的再发现”(GZGX2018)的阶段性成果。
关键词 非虚构诗学 连类 现世感性真实 讽寓 以史证诗 nonfictional poetics categorical association perceptual reality of this world allegory interpreting poetry by history
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